Baby Names

help me decide

so I love grayson. h loves Maxwell... or at least this is his newest.. after suggesting Kendrick. :( anyway.. I always thought it would be grayson Maxwell (we're having b/g twins any day now)

h thinks grayson is a super 'white' name. h is mixed.. and normally doesn't make comments like this, so i'm assuming some one told him it was a white name. anyway, that whole argument aside.. what do you think? it could be a mixed baby's name right? most of the mixed people i know have names that could go either way.. i'm just so confused and feel like we'll never reach an agreement.


i don't like Maxwell for a first name because i don't like the name max. id on't hate it.. i just can't imagine calling our son that. h doesn't want the nn either...

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Re: help me decide

  • I think Grayson is just fine on any race.
  • He likes Maxwell but doesn't like the NN Max? Odd! Well I say I don't believe Grayson is a "white" name by any means. That being said, I like Grayson Maxwell or Maxwell Grayson either way. Kendrick is NMS but I remember you saying you kind of liked it, so that's up to you. As far as NNs go, you can't exactly control what people call him forever, but when he's younger you can correct them to using his full name Maxwell. "No, no Max's here, Maxwell does just fine" and then give a genuinely nice smile.

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