Baby Names

Can't agree on a boy name

So DH and I found out we are team blue. Every time a name comes up that he suggests I don't like and same as when I come up with a name he doesn't like it,ha ha!!! I almost hate bringing the subject up now cause we disagree with each others, ha ha!! I thought picking out names would be fun.
Now I need some suggestions with this one. Rogan or u could maybe spell it Rogen?? Any thoughts or comments. Oh and the MN would be DHs grandfathers name Paul

Re: Can't agree on a boy name

  • I like Paul Rogan better.  

    I have never heard the name Rogan.  Is it a "g" like Regan or a "g" like Roger?
  • I also think of Seth. I like Ronan as another option!
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  • I think rowan or ronan is a better choice.


    joe rogan is what I think of.

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  • edited August 2013
    Just commiserating here.  We are on our third boy in less than 5 years and we've had the same issue naming each one.  DS1 had a name a few weeks before he was born, DS2 on the way to the hospital, so at this pace we might finally chose a name for DS3 when he's a few days old ;)

    ETA: I actually like Rogan.  I've never heard of it before and I do think of Seth Rogan but it doesn't make me dislike the name.  I like some of the other suggestions too, like Rowan.
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  • Yeah DH really really likes it, I guess I sort of like it cause I never really heard of it. All I think about is that it's a good last name, ha ha. Like Joe Rogan and someone mentioned Seth. I do like Rowan but my cousin has a little boy Roland, kind of similar. Thanks for all your feedback, really appreciate it
  • My first thought was Rogaine...not a good association...
  • I don't like Rogan personally. I have never heard of it as a name. I like similar:

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  • I think Rogan is great, but NMS. I prefer the PPs advice on Ronan, Rowan, or Reuban. I don't think it will be too close to Rolland. Good luck!

    Oh and it certainly doesn't make me think of Rogaine.. Come on people. Sometimes you're really just stretching it.
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