Hi ladies! I hang around the TTGP board but I have a friend who just found out yesterday she's expecting twins (EDD April 22). She has 2 kids close in age already and they were trying for 1 more. So of course, twins is overwhelming at the moment till this all sinks in
Her concern is twins AFTER already having 2 kids that have to also be cared for. If she makes it to her due date, her oldest will have just turned 4 and her youngest will be 2.5yrs old by then. She plans on breastfeeding or at least pumping. Any advice on how to adapt, juggle, entertain, etc. the other children with new twins around the house? She doesn't have family in town but will have summer help from traveling family.
Re: Friend Expecting Twins (after already having 2 children) - Advice Needed Please!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Definitely have her come to this board! it's so helpful! But if she's not amenable to joining us, my biggest piece of advice is to start thinking up ways of getting some help.
Mainly I'd want someone to come help wrangle the older kids (take them to the park, keep them entertained, fed, bathed...), while I was getting used to handling two newborns.
I have one older kiddo (just 2yo at the time of the birth), and I find it's a logistics problem more than anything else when it comes to leaving the house. Having a second adult would be helpful. She should think about any relatives/friends that are retired or out of work for awhile that may be able to come live in for several weeks or so. Or find a good baby sitter to help out regularly. My step-MIL did this for us, and it was a godsend. She was there when I went on bedrest until pretty much I had the girls, with a week or so off in the middle. Then came back for another couple weeks after my mom left. It really gave me the time to adjust to the new reality and feel more confident in myself.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
And it is ok if they watch a little extra tv in the beginning, survival is key! Good luck to her!
Your friend said you had a question about nursing. Some women feed on demand and some adhere by the "one up, both up" adage.
I kept mine on a pretty tight 3 hour feeding schedule and always did "one up, both up", day or night and it worked great for us.
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
I would imagine that the four year old will/could actually be more helpful now that s/he's older. I've heard from other moms that 5 years old is a magic number when they start being able to do chores, etc. I also think that it's possible having two older kids means they will be able to entertain each other sometimes. Of course, I don't have personal experience (yet), and it probably also depends on the personalities of her children, but I bet there are at least some things like that that will be easier than you'd guess!
Best of luck to your friend!