
My dinner was bacon

And a mudslide.

I made the chocolate syrup myself. I feel all like Susie Homemaker over here. 

Re: My dinner was bacon

  • I'm so jelly right now. I'm an Undomestic Goddess so the idea of making one's own chocolate syrup is mind-boggling and something like from a dream.
    I was out of chocolate syrup and I needed a mudslide. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

    Actually it's cocoa powder, sugar and water. It took 5 minutes and is amazeballs. 
  • I think you have all the important food groups covered.
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  • MMMM bacon

    The Mob Boss 
    Birth: 10lbs 11oz, 21.5 inches <> 1 mo: 14lbs 7oz, 23.5 inches
    2mo: 18lbs 15oz, 25.5 inches <> 4mo: 26lbs 8oz, 27.5 inches6mo: 29lbs 8oz, 30 inches <> 9mo: 32lbs, 32 inches12 mo: 37lbs, 34.5 inches <> 15 mo: 38lbs 6 oz, 36 inches. 20.5 inch noggin18 mo: 43lbs, 37.75 inches 21 inch head2yr: 47 lbs, 42 inches. 21.5 inch head. Woah.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am making brinner tonight.  There will be 1lb. of bacon involved.  Even my picky child understands the goodness of bacon.  It is one of the only meat products he will consume. 

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