Hello fellow nov 11 mamas! I was a longtime lurker of this board when i was pregnant with DD. I learned so much from other mamas and mamas to be from this board. I didn't post because back then, but I am active now in the ....... November 13 board. Without trying, hubs and I ended up with the same 11/11 due date with this little baby girl. Quite the coincidence! DD was over a week late born 11/19. I just hope this LO isn't born on the same day. So, we will have years of joint birthday parties in our future. Hubs and I will be joining the Two and Through club after this baby girl's born (DH is getting the snip).
Just wanted to pop back in to introduce myself and begin actually posting. DD is giving us a tough time with some toddler behaviors so I wanted to see what other Nov 11 mamas were going through.
Re: Second time nov mama here!