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NCDR- canning

Does anyone else can? I am trying to figure out what else I can do... What are your favorites? So far I have canned- blueberry butter, blueberry syrup, peaches, pickles, dill pickle relish, hot pepper jelly, I still have some strawberry jam and blueberry left from last year and some pears. Any other ideas? I have tomatoes going right now too.
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Re: NCDR- canning

  • I love pickled beets. I'm going to try salsa this year too, because my cilantro plant is growing like its on drugs, and I have tomatoes to spare :)
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  • I second the salsa, mines on the stove right now! Also pickled asparagus or pickled green beans. We did a little bit of cherries this year too.
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  • My Grandma always did tomatoes, green beans, and peaches.  I don't can, but a friend of mine brought me some pickled green tomatoes last year that were awesome.  I guess there's like a pickling mix you can buy next to the canning jars.  You just following the direction on that but use green tomatoes instead of cucumbers.  
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  • How does canning green beans work? Because I find canned green beans to be the devil's work. It's my pretty, pretty princess thing. Are home canned that different?
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  • Dilly beans! Like pickled green beans
    are our favorites. So good and super easy. I think you pack the jars and pour hot brine and then process.
  • The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving is an awesome book with TONS of recipes! I've done peaches and bread and butter pickles from that book and both were delicious.
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