I'm not a fan of games, but I thought it would be fun to set up pools where guests could guess different outcomes. Like the birthday, hair/eye color combos, etc. I realize the "winners" wouldn't be determined until later, but if its all close friends and family you'd see them after the baby was born anyways. I just think It would be fun to see everyone's predictions.
I agree that I'm not a huge fan of games. At my shower though, they did the "guess the price of ____ for baby?" game.There were a dozen items and the one that was the closest overall won. It was sort of amusing that I did the worst, even after scoping out all the baby stuff I was planning on getting. And it was like 10 minutes and non offensive.
It is always the 'game haters' who post replies to posts like this. Games at a shower can be fun. What else are you supposed to do for 3 - 4 hours? Especially if there is a broad spectrum of guests.
My favorite is called "which kid did it?" - you ask the moms of the parents to be to give you 10 statements about their kids, then you gender neutralize them and people guess if it is the mom or dad that did that when they were young. Example: "This little kid had a stuffed animal named Boots" "This munchkin's favourite food was carrots".
Doing the guess how much candy is in a jar thing is fun too, and the jars of candy are good for decor during the party.
Re: Unique Baby Shower Games