Erik Murray joined our family 5 days late on August 22. He weighed in at 8lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches long. He is beautiful and healthy!
I laboured naturally until I hit 9cm, and then as soon as they broke my water, labor stalled out. I lasted another hour and a half with wicked back labor and hadn't progressed at all, so I had an epi and spent the next 4 hours in a wonderful pain free state. I was able to relax and finish dilating as well as let DS descend until I felt the pressure to push. 4 quick pushes later and he was born!
We are home and adjusting as well as we can. DS1 has started a really defiant stage, which has been fun and DS2 is a much fussier baby than his brother. The only way he'll sleep for longer than 30 minutes is if I'm holding him. But, we're taking it a day at a time and I'm very much in love with my new bundle and our family of 4!
Re: Baby Boy Is Here!!!
We're birthday buddies