My LO was born in January 2013. There are a ton of activities for babies when they are a little older, but here is what we have found for the little ones. There are several mom's groups on Meet-up. Google them. I lead a Tuesday hike with the Lansing Moms' Group. We also go to a Great Starts baby play group. These are run by the school system and are for kids with developmental delays, but you don't have to have this to join--they welcome anyone. You can google these too. We are going to take swimming lessons from East Lansing, but there are many private groups that do this too. We go to baby-time at the East Lansing library, and there is also baby-time on Thursdays at 10:30, I think at the Foster Community Center Library. I think there is also open play time at the Foster Community Center a few days/week, but it is open to any pre-school age kid, so I am going to wait until she is older. On the westside, there are a lot of library events at the Delta Township library, although I have heard the babytime there is pretty-free form. I saw that Barnes and Noble on the westside has story hour on Thursdays at 10 AM. I read online that there is a Mommy and Me group at the Mother and Earth Baby Boutique on Fridays at 10 AM, and I have been meaning to check that out. I think Impression 5 has babytime, but we are waiting until she is a little less mouth-y. The Community Music School has music classes open to babies, but these are pricey, so we'll wait until it is colder. I have heard that some birth month boards from Baby Center get together in Lansing, but I don't know anyone here with a baby that close in age to mine, so I haven't been able to get any info if such a thing exists that would work for me. I would be open to a Bump playgroup if there was an audience because things like storytime haven't, at least yet, been a great source of adult conversation, although the baby loves them and they are great for breaking up the day.
Re: Playgroups?