Anyone have any experience with DD/DS having C. Diff?? We are going on 3 weeks of diarrhea and terrible diaper rash, little sleep and an unhappy little girl. She has never been on antibiotics so we are unsure why this has happened, which makes me concerned that it will be an ongoing issue for DD. And our pedi said they don't treat unless there is a fever and/or blood in the stool, but this is getting to be too much for us and especially for DD. Any advice or words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated.
Re: C. Diff
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
It is completely ridiculous that her pediatrician will not treat it. All of our patients are, blood in the stool, fever, or not. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to let your pediatrician know that it needs to be handled. One 10 day round of Flagyl and she could have been over this a week and a half ago (hopefully, but even if it didn't, you could have had two rounds completed by now and it definitely should have gone away then...).
It is really contagious, so make sure you're all washing your hands. Oh and hand sanitizer is NOT effective when it comes to cleaning your hands when you're handling c. Diff.
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
We only got a positive test result a week ago, but DD had the diarrhea for 2 weeks before that, but no fever, she was eating fine, staying hydrated, so we started her on probiotics and waited.
The diarrhea was not getting better so we had her stool tested and got the positive result for c.diff. I did some reading up on it and was told by our pedi that most LO under 1 do have c. diff in their gut and will test positive without actually having it (like 2ag said), so because she had no other symptoms that they usually will not give antibiotics. This was on Friday.
I called again yesterday and pedi called back after hours and left a message saying that he doesn't think that the c. diff is causing her diarrhea, so now I'm like WTF??? didn't say that on Friday and I've been freaking out! I'm waiting to talk to him today. I am going to talk to another pedi - I mean if most kids will test positive without being the actual cause of her symptom then I don't want to give her antibiotics, but I don't want to not treat it and she gets even more sick. And if it's not c. diff what is the issue?....UGH, not liking being in this position at all.