If any of you have purchased any of their travel systems, car seats, or strollers how did you like it? With DD we just stuck with Graco but honestly the only Graco travel system I've seen that I love this time around is the Modes Click Connect. Sadly we can't see ourselves paying that much for a travel system for a few reasons. 1) We stopped using the stroller with our Graco after about 6 months because it was a PITA to constantly pull out and we just ended up getting an umbrella stroller or carrying DD. 2) After a while we stopped using the infant seat of course and bought a nice convertible. So I just don't really see the point in spending a whole lot of money on a travel system this time around.

Re: Evenflo Travel Systems
Nope we got rid of it when we got her convertible car seat years ago lol. We weren't really planning on having #2 so soon so we got rid of all her infant stuff when we moved across the country.
They have seats too depending on your taste and budget. I've gotten the Graco one for a gift for about $120 for the frame and seat at Target. Avoid Evenflo and Baby Trend seats. They take up more room.