Today is the day.....shots at the doctor. We have their 8 week old appointment which includes shots. I am so nervous about the shots both during and after the shots. I hate to see them cry/upset but I know we are protecting them (I hope) and afterwards for all the horrible things you hear about what shots do to some children. Thankfully Dh is going with us bc I know I am going to need some emotional support during/after the appointment.
Please tell me that your shots went well, pretty please.
Re: Wish Us Luck
awww, the shots were quick (we got 2 in each leg at the 2 month apt), crying for a min, but after i comforted her (and nursed her) she was perfectly OK. then she slept the rest of the day.
the teatanous shot was the only thing that irritated her, it got a little hot and she ran a really low grade fever (didn't break 101) but i gave her tylenol and put a cool (not cold) wash cloth on her leg and she was 100% back to normal in 24 hours.
good luck! the crying when giving the shots is the worst, so if your DH is stronger than you (emotionally) you can always step out of the room for a min and come back in when they are done.