TTC After a Loss

IUI discussion...

SOOO, after a few drinks, my dear H and I embarked on the,"Where are we in TTCAL?" We are in agreement to be benched this cycle, since I am sorting out results of recent testing, and a month from now, we go to Chicago for a long weekend (didn't want to deal with any chance I could be pregnant and worry about another EP while out of state at 5 wks...). I then brought up the discussion I had last week with RE, how we can try on our own, do medicated cycles with Clomid or move on to IUI, natural or medicated. H asked me what does it means to move onto IUI, as in, what would make that our choice of action? For once, I was silent. I really don't know. Since I apparently can get pregnant and ovulate on my own, I am thinking medicated cycles aren't necessary (RE also said medicated cycles may actually increase risk of another EP). But at what point do we turn to IUI? Sperm analysis turned up all good. Just unsure how to answer that question!

Any insight is appreciated, and if I am posting on the wrong forum, please direct me to where this would be a better discussion! 

Thanks ladies!!


~*~EVERYONE always welcome!!~*~
TTC #1 since October 2012
BFP #1 11/22/12 EDD 7/29/13 MMC 1/14/13, D&C 1/16/13
BFP #2 5/7/13 EDD 1/14/2014 Ectopic discovered 5/21/13, lost left tube
Referred to RE, blood work done August 2013, AMH 0.27, all else normal, HSG clear
BFP #3 12/1/13 EDD 8/8/14, MC 12/24/13
January 2014: RE #2, blood work repeated, homozygous MTHFR c677t, SHG clear
BFP #4 4/7/14 EDD 12/15/14 Our rainbow was born 12/6/14 at 4:26pm! <3 

Re: IUI discussion...

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    I really have no advice on this as I don't know an answer to this. I'm sure there a few ladies here who can answer this for you, I think of @lindsebert , she just went through an iui (((still more hugs to you linds))).  My other suggestion would be to visit the 3T board, there's a checkin there for IUI ladies (



    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

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    I had 9 IUIs but we were in a different situation -- same-sex marriage so that was where we started.  I have to say I'm not really sure what advantage an unmedicated IUI offers to a couple with good sperm and the ability to get pregnant on their own, but hopefully someone who has been in your position can answer.

    In other words, I'm useless here! :)  But I wish you luck with your decision.
    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

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    MsAmandaPantsMsAmandaPants member
    edited August 2013
    For us, I think the improvement in success rates of an unmedicated cycle with IUI over TI at home was marginal, but I can't remember the exact numbers. I think IUI+fertility meds (Femara+injectables) increased our chance of success by something like 10%.  

    A couple of possible benefits with IUI is that they might monitor you more closely and watch your follicle size and bloodwork to tell you exactly when to have TI at home to up your chances (this will depend on your clinic, though). I'm not sure if that is more reliable than OPKs . . .  The only other benefit is if you partner has any performance issues with the pressure of TI . . . 

    ETA: Changed phrasing to make it clear that I was relaying my experience/success rates.  @veganlady raises really good points about the additional benefits of IUI if your partner has motility issues or you have a CM issue. 
    Me: 36 yo, TTC #1 since Feb. 2012
    BFP #1, 3/12, EDD 11/9/12, MMC 3/27/12, D&C 4/10/12

    BFP #2: 11/16/12, EDD 7/25/13, MMC 12/5/12, D&C 12/6/12, Complete molar pregnancy confirmed 2/9/13, benched for 6 months until  August 2013

    IUI #1, 8/16/13 Femara + Menopur, 3 mature follicles, BFN
    IUI #2 (back-to-back, 9/12/13 and 9/13/13) Femara + Menopur, four mature follicles, BFFN
    IUI #3, 10/8/13 Femara + Menopur, six mature follicles, BFN

    BFP #3, 12/9/2013, while on treatment break, EDD: 8/22/2014  Please stick and grow, LO!

    Additional Dx: hypothyroidism, TgAb positive & anti-TPO positive, POR/DOR (2/2013), and suspected endometriosis

    ******All AL always welcome******

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    Thanks all who have responded! I guess I do need to talk to my Dr some more, but all in all, I think we're going to just keep working on TI when it's FW and see what happens. If come December, no BFPs, then I am thinking I may need to get some extra help. I was wondering if being down a tube was why my RE suggested IUI in the 1st place, or if she was just outlining various options. We know DH's sperm is not the issue, and I do get pregnant, so I was confused by what my RE was really recommending.


    ~*~EVERYONE always welcome!!~*~
    TTC #1 since October 2012
    BFP #1 11/22/12 EDD 7/29/13 MMC 1/14/13, D&C 1/16/13
    BFP #2 5/7/13 EDD 1/14/2014 Ectopic discovered 5/21/13, lost left tube
    Referred to RE, blood work done August 2013, AMH 0.27, all else normal, HSG clear
    BFP #3 12/1/13 EDD 8/8/14, MC 12/24/13
    January 2014: RE #2, blood work repeated, homozygous MTHFR c677t, SHG clear
    BFP #4 4/7/14 EDD 12/15/14 Our rainbow was born 12/6/14 at 4:26pm! <3 

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    So sorry I am just now seeing this. For us, it was a pretty simple decision. Nothing else was working. I mean, yes it had in the past, but it wasn't now, for whatever reason. I do ovulate on my own and was able to get pg on my own. However, since I started seeing the RE, and he diagnosed me with unexplained IF, DH and I decided doing femara/IUI was the next step for us (which is what RE recommended). I responded well to the femara, and had a nice big follie the day before IUI. However, it didn't work. We go this weekend for IUI #2 and I was taking femara again. As for the actual procedure, it was mostly painless, just slightly uncomfortable. I hope you're able to come to the right decision for you.
    TTC Our Rainbow Since May 2011

    BFP#1 9/9/12 -- EDD 5/14/13 -- MMC 10/10/12 Miso 10/19/12

    BFP #2 9/17/13 -- EDD 5/25/14-- CP confirmed 9/21/13
     BFP #3
    2/1/14 -- EDD 10/5/14 -- NMC 2/10/14

    Dx: low progesterone & mild hypothyroidism

    My Chart

    4e41feae2813d8779361f4b4a13b4b 1


    ~*~All AL Welcome~*~

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    Thank you for sharing your story! I hope IUI#2 ends up with your rainbow baby! FX!

    Like I said-we're going to start trying again next month, and if no success by end of the year, we'll move on to IUI in January. I'm comfortable with this plan. I guess I just want a specific answer as to when you should give up naturally and proceed with medicated cycles or IUI or what not. In my head, I think I should give it 4 cycles and then move on. My RE didn't really advice what to do, just said we have some things to discuss and should proceed however we feel is best for us.  


    ~*~EVERYONE always welcome!!~*~
    TTC #1 since October 2012
    BFP #1 11/22/12 EDD 7/29/13 MMC 1/14/13, D&C 1/16/13
    BFP #2 5/7/13 EDD 1/14/2014 Ectopic discovered 5/21/13, lost left tube
    Referred to RE, blood work done August 2013, AMH 0.27, all else normal, HSG clear
    BFP #3 12/1/13 EDD 8/8/14, MC 12/24/13
    January 2014: RE #2, blood work repeated, homozygous MTHFR c677t, SHG clear
    BFP #4 4/7/14 EDD 12/15/14 Our rainbow was born 12/6/14 at 4:26pm! <3 

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