
New here...9 weeks with Twins

Hi there, 

I am 9 weeks today, expecting twins. We were definitely shocked but are excited. I had an appointment at 7w2d where we saw both heart beats and everything looked good. They did see a small subchorionic bleed but were not concerned since it was small and I haven't had any bleeding because of it so I'm hoping it's just reabsorbing itself. My next appointment isn't for another 2 weeks and I'm wondering how everyone stays calm and doesn't worry if everything is ok. I had a mmc in April and had all symptoms until I went in at my 11 week check-up and they found the baby had no heart beat. 

I know worrying doesn't help and I try not to stress over it but I could just use some reassuring advice! I feel so blessed that we are having twins after losing a baby in April, that the thought of losing these two is devastating. 
Due March 29, 2014 with our first!
(This pregnancy started out with twins but we lost one at 9 weeks.) 
Suffered a Missed Miscarriage in April 2013.

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Re: New here...9 weeks with Twins

  • Congrats and welcome! It can be extremely twins were my first pregnancy, and I'd never had a loss, but I was still paranoid about every little thing going wrong. :-/ You just have to take each moment at a time, focus on taking care of yourself and your babies, and remember that worrying never keeps anything bad from happening, but just steals your peace for this moment.

    Good luck and I wish you a healthy and "boring" pregnancy!
  • Congrats!  

    I've been there.  I had a miscarriage before my girls and was extremely anxious in the beginning of the pregnancy.  There is not much to do about it unfortunately, just weather it out.  And then with twins, it's anxiety over preterm labor later on.  Honestly, I was worried until about 36 weeks:)  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!  And in the meantime get some relaxing neck massages.
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