TTC After a Loss

Throat Punch Time!

Let's hear them!
I have short term memory loss. Do not take it personally if I do not remember you right away.
No longer trying to conceive at all.
BFP #1 12/1/02 DD born 7/25/03 
BFP #2 7/23/10 EDD 3/30/11 m/c 8/17/10 We will always miss you Angelique Marie! 
 BFP #3 4.13.11 EDD 12.18.11 m/c 5/13/11 d&c 5/18/11 We will always miss you Sprout Ryker! 
 Lucky Lee (furbaby) born 1.29.12 
 Midnight Marie (furbaby) born 7.4.12 passed for unknown reasons 9.19.12 Missing my jumping bean. 
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♥♥ Pg/PAL Welcome! ♥♥

Re: Throat Punch Time!

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    My TP goes to UHaul for insisting our truck does not have the capacity to tow our car - even though the dealer, all specs, and logic and reason demonstrate that our truck does have the ability to tow our car.  It probably does not help that they are insisting that my car is AWD. Nope, front wheel. Someone needs to correct their computer system.

    The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
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    I really need this poison ivy to go away. I have it all over I have never had it before. So annoying!!!

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


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    TP a neighbor telling my husband I have no problem with black people while am sitting in the car and he stopped us while getting in our garage.  Am african DH is white. I just sat there, DH was so pissed off he just told him whatever it is you need this is not the right time and drove in to the garage and closed it.
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    Actually, we live in San Diego, we have lived in the same house since Aug 09, he talks to Dh but am not there at that time, and I see him in his yard sometimes but have never had a conversation with him, so that was crazy but good to know how he feels so will not be making any effort to be neighborly, I do have other wonderful neighbors though, and  I hv been here for 13 years and this is my first encounter with an ignorant fool.
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