November 2012 Moms

CPW - child care arrangements

billybumblerbillybumbler member
edited August 2013 in November 2012 Moms
I'm curious about this board's families child care arrangements. So who takes care of baby most of the time?

CPW - child care arrangements 53 votes

I'm a SAHM
24% 13 votes
My husband is a SAHD
1% 1 vote
Daycare center (private)
15% 8 votes
In-home daycare provider
20% 11 votes
5% 3 votes
Daycare center (public or state-provided)
7% 4 votes
13% 7 votes
11% 6 votes

Re: CPW - child care arrangements

  • Here in Brazil the most common arrangements are public daycare or grandma watching baby (for lower-income families) and nanny (for upper-income families). But more people are starting to use private daycare as nannies are becoming very expensive.
  • FI's mom watches DS.

    I know, I know, I can't complain because she is free. But she is not reliable, doesn't tell us more than a few days in advance when she will be out of town, and does not listen to our rules.

    We're looking into daycare like in-home or a center. We are just having a hard time being able to afford it right now. So I definitely shouldn't complain! At least I know she has DS's best interest at heart and wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm him. She's just so damn annoying sometimes.
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  • I'm currently a SAHM, but I return to work (Work From Home) in 3+ weeks.

    At that time, MIL and FIL will watch LO one or two days a week and DH will be home one full weekday and one half week day. Hopefully the rest of the time won't be of issue.

    I will have on-site meetings with a client 3-4 times per month, so will need an extra couple days from the ILs.
  • Just started DC! Got to say I love it. Ladies are so sweet and M loves it!
  • My mom watches M two days a week, MIL one day per week, and she does to an in home babysitter two days a week.

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  • PaulaKNL said:
    Here in Brazil the most common arrangements are public daycare or grandma watching baby (for lower-income families) and nanny (for upper-income families). But more people are starting to use private daycare as nannies are becoming very expensive.
    hmm maybe I should move to brazil and open a daycare!!
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  • @credcat7 yes you should! Some daycare centers I looked at were in the range of US$ 1500 a month, so expensive!
  • I voted SAHM but I guess I should have voted SS. I work two nights a week (like 8 hours total) and she is home with her dad one night and one of my girlfriends watches her the other. I'm now also back to school two mornings a week and DH will be with her one morning and the same girlfriend will watch her the other morning.
  • Up until now it was me. Now that I'm returning to work on Sept 3rd it will be full time daycare.
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  • In home daycare. She has been going since she was 7 weeks old. She loves it and I really think it is good for her to be around other kids and socialize and be exposed to germs and all that comes with daycare.
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  • My mom watches him one day a week and then 4 days a week he goes to an in house day care. I've known the lady who runs it forever as I grew up with her granddaughter. It's practically like leaving him with my mom. She only watches 4 other kids and I like that it's small. Plus she is dirt cheap at $90/week. 
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  • shella923shella923 member
    edited August 2013
    PaulaKNL said:

    @credcat7 yes you should! Some daycare centers I looked at were in the range of US$ 1500 a month, so expensive!

    @Paulaknl Yep. That's what I'm paying . In NYC area so that's "average". Looked at cheaper and was ehh... There are ones for $2100 for stupid bells and whistles but I don't work on wall st!
  • my mom and my step-daughter alternate days right now but he's starting daycare the first week of september. I' m excited to have a stable place everyday and know that we aren't going to call a text at 9pm at night the day before asking to find someone else to watch him cause they wanna go do their own thing
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  • SS - he is with DH's parents 2.5 days/week and private DC center 2.5 days/week.

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  • DD has been in a church run daycare since 12 weeks. Its got its pros and cons but its what works best for us.  She really enjoys it.


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