Does anyone have any suggestions, old wives tales,etc to help flip a breech baby? At my 33 week appointment last Wednesday the midwife revealed baby was breech, so I am now regularly doing the tilt she recommended (hips under pillows) and am seeing a chiropractor. Any othet ideas or words of wisdom? I know it is still somewhat early but I want to give it every shot I can with the hope of a med free delivery.
Re: moving a breech baby?
Also, find a GOOD (not just any) acupuncturist who is familiar with pregnant patients and how to treat them. They can do acupuncture and moxibustion, which has a super high success rate, something like almost 80%, or turning around a breech baby.
I'm just shy of 37 weeks and my baby is currently head down, but posterior ("sunny side up," facing forward). To encourage him/her to face the other way, I started to see my acupunturist and try the exercises on spinning babies. I'm hoping it'll turn around soon!
Good luck!
Make sure the chiropractor you're seeing is using the Webster technique, not just a normal adjustment. They should be focused on the alignment of your pelvis and not as much on your back and neck.
Webster technique, after 2 adjustments 2 days apart, flipped my transverse baby to vertex at 33/34 weeks.