Cloth Diapering

Re-emerging Diaper Rash

Try and be brief:

My son had a terrible diaper rash about 1.5 months ago.  At the same time he was hospitalized for eryethema multiforme and was on numerous antibitoics and steroids, so his rash cleared up.

1 week later the rash came back and we treated it as a yeast rash.  The doc rx'd nystatin and after a week it was gone.

1 week later, a new rash is here.  I stopped using the cloth diapers thinking maybe the yeast remained on them (I stripped all my BG 4.0 and Freetimes w/ Dawn) since it was coming back - but it's just getting worse.  Daycare changes him every hour and we change him every 2 at home (except at night).  We're using triple paste at every diaper change and it's not getting better. He has a red irritated line on his scrotum (sorry tmi) and then red bumps inside his but and around his cheeks. It obviously bothers him, he cries every time I wipe his rear end :o(

Any suggestions? Allergy...another yeast rash? I'm willing to try pretty much anything at this point! TIA.

Re: Re-emerging Diaper Rash

  • I don't have experience with yeast, so can't comment. Does it look very similar to the rash that he had a week ago?

    Have you tried giving him probiotics to help him get his system back in balance after the antibiotics? Some health food stores will carry baby-specific formulations.

    I wouldn't rule out allergy, but it can be challenging to determine if that is the case.

    DS got a stubborn rash from acidic poo right around 5-6 weeks. I basically stopped eating/drinking anything really acidic. Haven't had orange juice in months!

    He also has eczema, so we did an elimination diet for several months. Didn't seem to help all that much, other than the bit about avoiding acidic foods. He's quite a bit older now and seems to be able to handle small bits of citrus fruits and tomatoes, so it could be he is growing out of it.

    There's a lot of good info and support on the Food Allergy board -- if you suspect food allergy, it's worth hanging out there.

  • As pp. said.he can have son allergy from certain food.but the issue is the he was with erythema,so redness or yeast can happens multiple times,because of the inflammation of the skin. I don't thing is a good idea to strip the diapers with dawn. Not matter how many times you rinse the diapers,the residue from the dawn can still on the diapers. I think is better if you boil the inserts,because you cannot use bleach or anything that is to hard for his skin. Tea three oil,and grapefruit oil can be and alternative but because his skin is very irritated i dont think is a good idea to use.I will try giving naked times,and try not to wipe him to much,only as need it. You should try using wish hazel too,and try to put some aloe cream,to help with the inflammation and to avoid any infection,I will also try to made a cream or paste made with vitamin E,A, to help too. He can also have and allergy to the kind of diapers you are using. It will be best if you use hemp or cotton with a wool cover. Good luck.
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  • I agree with PP on the probiotics. Also, I don't know if you use cloth wipes, but we finally ended all redness when we switched to those with plain water.
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  • Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to stop giving him acidic foods, switch wipes, go back to cloth and look for probiotics!
  • Good luck, let us know how it goes!
  • Since stripping them did you wash them with detergent prior to the rash coming back? If so it could be a reaction to the detergent. My LO has an allergy to lanolin and therefore can't use many wipes so we also use wash cloths and water. I was reading ingredients the other day on various diaper creams and discovered that the only ones I can use are Balmex, Burt's Bees, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste all the rest have lanolin. It is possible that he is having a reaction to the Triple paste possibly for the lanolin reason or some other ingredient. 
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