Try and be brief:
My son had a terrible diaper rash about 1.5 months ago. At the same time he was hospitalized for eryethema multiforme and was on numerous antibitoics and steroids, so his rash cleared up.
1 week later the rash came back and we treated it as a yeast rash. The doc rx'd nystatin and after a week it was gone.
1 week later, a new rash is here. I stopped using the cloth diapers thinking maybe the yeast remained on them (I stripped all my BG 4.0 and Freetimes w/ Dawn) since it was coming back - but it's just getting worse. Daycare changes him every hour and we change him every 2 at home (except at night). We're using triple paste at every diaper change and it's not getting better. He has a red irritated line on his scrotum (sorry tmi) and then red bumps inside his but and around his cheeks. It obviously bothers him, he cries every time I wipe his rear end (
Any suggestions? Allergy...another yeast rash? I'm willing to try pretty much anything at this point! TIA.
Re: Re-emerging Diaper Rash