TTC after 35

BFN but feeling pregnant

I already am lucky to have a 4-1/2 year old daughter and 13 month old son.  We are trying to conceive again....was pregnant and ended with miscarrage at week 5 on June 20, 2013.  Had a heavy period that started on July 22, 2013 and ended about 5 days later. Was suposed to start my period this month August 20th however I begun to have pregnancy symptoms (all of them it seems from headache, nausea, extreme tiredness, boobs sore off and on, could not be around certain foods and today the 23rd my lower back is aching) as well as kinda dark brown spotting on Aug 20, 22 and today it seems more pink.  I took a home pregnancy test which showed BFN on Tuesday and today.  Blood was drawn today to see what my hcg levels are.  What could be causing all this within my body?  This is such a rollercoaster of emotions and I just do not know what to think......and I am 37 yrs old. 



Re: BFN but feeling pregnant

  • I should note that with my miscarriage at 5 weeks I had an ultrasound done (went to ER when I started bleeding) and no sak was found and my hcg levels were down to normal. When I had blood work done to prove I was pregnant the hcg levels were great. 
  • SaltyladySaltylady member
    edited August 2013

    Well looks like my body faked me out this week....seems that AF is here. Guess we will try it again next month. Again definitely blessed to have had two healthy pregnancies (even though both were preemie's).....but definitely a downer and learning experience for me.

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  • Unfortunately your body, hormones, cycles, etc. can be all kinds of wonky after a loss, even an early one. I have many symptoms with PMS now that I didn't really have before my loss, and even now, seven months later, my cycles aren't very 'normal', I have really varying lengths of LP and O dates. Basically, nothing is predictable about my cycles and symptoms mean nothing, I could get faked out a lot of cycles but I know not to read too much into cramps, headaches, nausea, or anything else that seems like it could be a pg symptom. I get them all the time, still no pregnancy for me.



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • Thank you...I am wondering if I should speak to my GYN and see if they recommend testing my hormones now or maybe wait another month to see what happens then make the call into my GYN.  Going to talk to the DH tonight and fill him in. 
  • I had a loss at about 5 weeks a few months ago. I was out of whack for at least 3 cycles after. I would give it another month before calling your Dr.


  • Thank You *sparky* For Your Comment.
    I Will Do That.
  • I'm so sorry. It's a double punch when your body fools you like that.
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
  • I has a loss in early July and my cycle is all over the place... I didn't even ovulate until CD20! (normal is cd12 for me).  My Re says it takes about 3 cycles to get back on track.  The hormones before my first AF were crazy and I like you had pregnancy was cruel and confusing! I highly recommned tracking/temping to figure out your cycles.

    Hope you get your Rainbow baby soon!

    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • Well Only Time Will Tell. I Have Been exploring This Site And Learning A Lot. Usually My Body Lets Me know When I ovulate.....Going To Really Pay Attention To This Cycle.
  • weird I got my blood test back and it
    was 6> or is that normal for not being pregnant
  • I can access my lab results online. have a call into my doctor to see what she thinks. I always thought non pregnancies Were A 4.
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