TTC After a Loss

*~*~*Ladies In Waiting*~*~*

*~*~*Ladies In Waiting*~*~*

This check-in is for Friday, August 23, 2013. 

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This is a group designed for all the ladies in the various stages of waiting after a loss: waiting to miscarry, waiting for AF to arrive, waiting to TTC again, and waiting for a BFP. Since this process is such a true test in patience, it is nice to have the support and friendship of other women going through similar experiences and emotions.

- Check in is every Friday
- New members: Post an intro and your current TTC status.
- Current members: Post updates, link to your chart, upcoming appts, prayer requests.
- Weekly check-in's will include an inspirational quote or verse and a question of the day (QOTD).

I look forward to getting to know you!

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Official Group LIW Blog!

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No new members.  If you have any questions, please let me know or PM me!

@saranne- ((hugs))

@Marcilene1- How are you doing? What’s new?  Where are you in your cycle?

@VCGolfNYC- How are you doing? Did you figure out what the deal was with the red CM was last week? ((hugs))

@Tappin2B- How are things progessing for you? Has the bleeding stopped completely?

@MrsWallick- Congrats on taking the huge step of opening up about your loss to your co-workers. You have a lot of courage! How is your cycle going after all the EWCM?

@sarcaztic10- Any luck with confirming renters? I hope you are not as stressed this week! Did you hear back on the salary of your new job?

@MrsHamon09- Were you able to confirm AF? I know you had some spotting. I hope you are doing well. How is the house hunting process starting out for you?

@mmnumber5- Hey Lady! Did AF show for you? Has she left yet? How are you doing?

@Soupy84- Have you been able to confirm O? Do you plan to chart next cycle? What’s new with you?

@kountingsheep- Congrats on the house! Are you doing all the pre-moving stuff now… packing, organizing, cleaning, etc?  That isn’t much fun, but worth the effort. I’m excited that you will be NTNP next month!

@MollySm- How is this cycle starting out for you? Looks like you are headed toward your FW. Happy Humping!

@ashellypnut- Sorry for AF…. On to the next cycle.  Your Bday is next Tuesday so Happy Early Birthday!!!  I hope you and YH have a blast in Baltimore!

@ahenson818- Your cycle is so annoyingly consistent and not in a good way. Any luck getting Provera? What’s new with you?

@BethKate – Pretty CH’s!!  8DPO. Looks like BD timing may not be perfect, but overall the cycle looks normal. How are you doing?

@princezjk- Nice solid CH’s!! They look pretty! Did this cycle turn out to be close to a normal looking cycle for you?

@Ksyknelvr-  10DPO. How are you holding up? Did I see a post in Dec Angels that you got your blood work results back? How are you feeling about the results? Sorry you saw a BFN this morning.

@SandSunBliss-  Thank you so much for hosting the LIW check-in last week. You did a wonderful job! I really appreciate it. How are you doing after your OB and blood work appt last week? Do you feel comfortable with the plan moving forward? How is metformin treating you? I hope YH helps you with the new low carb food plan.  

@Shandorfml2- CD56. I’m sorry you are experiencing such a long, drawn out cycle. I’m so frustrated for you.  How long does it take to see the effects of metformin? Did you get the results back from the blood work yet? I spy a decent temp spike this morning???

MyFirstRaspberry- Wish me luck for my saline sono this morning ladies!! I’ll be sure to post an update after my appt.

To any ladies not listed, be assured you have not been forgotten. I only list ladies who posted in the latest check-in. Feel free to join in!

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Question of the day:  What is your favorite inspirational song?  BONUS for sharing the lyrics that mean the most to you.

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Inspirational Quote/Verse:

The quote today comes from Katy Perry’s song Roar. I was listening to it last night and the lyrics really spoke to me. It felt like a pep talk.

So this quote and mention of the song are to remind us that we are strong. This battle is not over for us, we will not give up!


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TTC #1 since June 2012
Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
    HSG = All Clear
BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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Re: *~*~*Ladies In Waiting*~*~*

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    Hi Raz!!! FX & GL with your sono. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

    'Annoyingly consistent' is a perfect way to put it and it's really annoying. I haven't called the Dr yet about a script. I'm to call next week, which gives me time to ask DH again about getting his SA done. ( yes he still hasn't done it)

    I have two songs. 'The Dance' by Garth Brooks and 'I Can Only Imagine' by Mercy Me

    Ps mobile bumping apologies
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    Hi @MyFirstRaspberry - Thank you for running check-in!  I will be keeping my FX for you today and looking for your update later!  

    princezjk- Nice solid CH’s!! They look pretty! Did this cycle turn out to be close to a normal looking cycle for you?
    So far, so good.  I am 6dpo and hoping to go at least 12dpo.  Last cycle FF had me with a 9 day luteal phase, but considering that was my first cycle charting and my crosshairs were dotted, not sure how accurate that was.  I have a call into my doctor's office to schedule my pre-conception consult with MFM and am hoping to hear back from them soon!

    I hope everyone else is having a good Friday and will have a wonderful weekend!  (((hugs))) to all that need them!

    Question of the day:  What is your favorite inspirational song?  BONUS for sharing the lyrics that mean the most to you.
    The song Smile written by Charlie Chaplin and performed by countless singers has a special significance to me.  It makes me feel connected to my Izzie and motivates me to keep going, especially when days are rough.  

    Smile, though your heart is aching
    Smile, even though it’s breaking
    When there are clouds in the sky
    you’ll get by
    If you smile through your fear and sorrow
    Smile and maybe tomorrow
    You’ll see the sun come shining through
    for you

    Light up your face with gladness
    Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near
    That’s the time you must keep on trying
    Smile what’s the use of crying
    You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
    If you’ll just

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers    
      *All AL Welcome*    imageimage

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    ksyknelvr73ksyknelvr73 member
    edited August 2013

    Ksyknelvr-  10DPO. How are you holding up? Did I see a post in Dec Angels that you got your blood work results back? How are you feeling about the results? Sorry you saw a BFN this morning.

    I am okay...just really bummed about the BFN this morning. I did get my blood work results back and they came back totally normal. I don't really know how to feel about them b/c I was almost hoping something would be wrong that could help explain what is going on....and then in the same breath I'm like, well I guess it's good that I'm "healthy"? I really just feel more frustrated now.

    Question of the day:  What is your favorite inspirational song?  BONUS for sharing the lyrics that mean the most to you.

    One song that I really like listening to while being on this TTCAL journey is Rascal Flatts' song "Stand". Here are the lyrics:

    You feel like a candle in a hurricane
    Just like a picture with a broken frame
    Alone and helpless
    Like you've lost your fight
    But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

    Cause when push comes to shove
    You taste what you're made of
    You might bend, till you break
    Cause its all you can take
    On your knees you look up
    Decide you've had enough
    You get mad you get strong
    Wipe your hands shake it off
    Then you Stand, Then you stand<br>
    Life's like a novel
    With the end ripped out
    The edge of a canyon
    With only one way down
    Take what you're given before its gone
    Start holding on, keep holding on

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

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    SandSunBlissSandSunBliss member
    edited August 2013

    GL on your sono this morning Raz!!!  I hope everything is just peachy.

    @SandSunBliss-  Thank you so much for hosting the LIW check-in last week. You did a wonderful job! I really appreciate it. How are you doing after your OB and blood work appt last week? Do you feel comfortable with the plan moving forward? How is metformin treating you? I hope YH helps you with the new low carb food plan.  

    You are so welcome!  It was fun :). I am doing ok.  It is hard, but I have been able to avoid almost all starches.  I feel ok about the plan.  I am a little confused about my diet and may call to get some guidelines. "low" and "high" have proven too subjective for me to know if I am doing what I should.  I was nauseous the first day on the metformin, but ok since.  Next week, I will be switching to twice a day - we'll see how that goes.  DH has been great, actually.  Lastnight, we went to Carrabba's and he declined the bread for me.  He knows it is my favorite and so he skipped it too. :)

    QOTD: I have a lot of songs depending on what sort of inspiration I need.  My favorites are "This is Your Life" by Switchfoot, "Stronger" by Mandisa and "Little Miss" by Sugarland.  Here are the Lyrics to "Little Miss" because that's what is hitting me today. (not starting at the beginning of the song)

    Little Miss You'll Go Far
    Little Miss Hide Your Scars
    Little Miss Who You Are
    Is So Much More Than You Like To Talk About 

    It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
    Yeah, sometimes you gotta lose 'til you win
    It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
    And it'll be alright again It'll be alright again, I'm okay
    It'll be alright again, I'm okay
    It'll be alright again, I'm okay 

    Oh, Lord
    Oh, and you are loved  

    Little Miss Brand New Start
    Little Miss Do Your Part
    Little Miss Big Ol' Heart Beats Wide Open
    She's ready now for love 

    It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
    Well, sometimes you gotta lose 'til you win
    It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
    It'll be alright again

    ((hugs)) to those who need them!




    married my best friend 10/04/08, TTC since July 2012
    BFP#1 Thanksgiving 11/22/12, mo-mo twins(one sac), traditional EDD 7/27/13, EDD due to risk 6/15/13
    mmc Angel 2/7/13 @ 15w3d, mmc Aubrey 2/13/13 @ 16w2d, D&E 2/16/13

    BFP#2 9/21/13, EDD 6/2/14, DD born 5/17/14 

    imageimage image

    All AL always welcome in my threads!

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    New member here.  Just turned 30 on Monday.  This was my first pregnancy after trying for a couple of months. DH is 30 as well.  I'm an attorney, he's a cancer researcher.

    I'm currently waiting to miscarry after finding out about my blighted ovum on Tuesday (should have been 8-9 weeks).  Either I miscarry naturally this weekend or go in for a D & C Monday.  Silver lining - I leave for vacation on Tuesday.

    My current TTC plans are on hold while my body gets back to normal.  I'd like to start temping asap, however.  Ready to start over.

    BFP 7/16/13, EDD 3/27/14 - blighted ovum  - D&C 8/26/13
    Dx PCOS and Septate Uterus
    Septum Resection - 2/6/14
    brand new cuterus
    March 2014:   first medicated cycle + iui
    = BFP!
    Baby Drgn born December 3, 2014


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    @MyFirstRaspberry, good luck with your saline sono this morning! Please update us ASAP!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

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    Hi Raspberry!!  Good luck to you today!  Hope all goes well.

    - How are things progessing for you? Has the bleeding stopped completely?

    Bleeding has stopped.  I had some spotting out of nowhere the other day after 2 days of nothing, and now back to I am thinking its done for good.  I am feeling pretty back to normal the last week so I am just looking forward to AF making her appearance (File that under- Words I thought I would never say)

    Question of the day:  What is your favorite inspirational song?  BONUS for sharing the lyrics that mean the most to you.

    The first song that popped into my head after reading this question- A Dream is Wish Your Heart Makes from Cinderella

    A dream is wish your heart makes
    When you're fast asleep
    In dreams you will lose your heartache
    Whatever you wish for you keep
    Have faith in your dreams
    And someday
    Your rainbow will come smiling through
    No matter how your heart is grieving
    If you keep on believing
    The dream that you wish
    Will come true...
    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Helen Keller



    Dating- 3/1/1999 ~ Married- 10/10/2004
    DD#1- Sweet Pea ~ Born on her Due Date 3/1/2007
    DD#2- Pumpkin ~ Due 9/29/2010 Arrived 10/1/2010

    ~ BFP: 6/12/2013 EDD: 2/21/2014 NT Scan: 8/5/2013 (11w3d) MMC D&C: 8/8/2013 ~

    ~BFP: 3/15/2014 EDD: 11/24/2014 CP 4 weeks 4 days ~

    ~BFP: 7/2/2014 EDD: 3/15/2015 CP 4 weeks ~

    ~BFP: 8/31/2014 EDD: 5/10/2015

    BabyFruit Ticker


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersimageimage
    *All are Welcome*

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    @BethKate – Pretty CH’s!!  8DPO. Looks like BD timing may not be perfect, but overall the cycle looks normal. How are you doing?

    Oh yeah, our timing sucked. I ovulated right at my usual time again, so everything seems to have gotten back to normal after my loss. I'm super lucky in that regard. Overall I'm doing well. Just waiting for my period (Wednesday maybe?) to show up so we can move on to the next cycle and try for better timing. Hopefully H will be more cooperative.

    QOTW: I can't think of a song right now. I'll have to think about it a little more.

    Having an identity crisis due to the new Bump 


    TTC since July 2012 
    BFP 5/22/13. Lap. to remove ectopic and DX with endo. 6/16

    Blogging to stay sane


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    Drgn30 said:
    New member here.  Just turned 30 on Monday.  This was my first pregnancy after trying for a couple of months. DH is 30 as well.  I'm an attorney, he's a cancer researcher.

    I'm currently waiting to miscarry after finding out about my blighted ovum on Tuesday (should have been 8-9 weeks).  Either I miscarry naturally this weekend or go in for a D & C Monday.  Silver lining - I leave for vacation on Tuesday.

    My current TTC plans are on hold while my body gets back to normal.  I'd like to start temping asap, however.  Ready to start over.
    I'm sorry that you find yourself here, but welcome to the board. I hope you're out of limbo soon.((hugs))

    Having an identity crisis due to the new Bump 


    TTC since July 2012 
    BFP 5/22/13. Lap. to remove ectopic and DX with endo. 6/16

    Blogging to stay sane


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    @myfirstraspberry- Welcome back and good luck on your sono!!

    @MrsWallick- Congrats on taking the huge step of opening up about your loss to your co-workers. You have a lot of courage! How is your cycle going after all the EWCM?

    Thank you!! I was very proud of myself! I tend to be an open book but for some reason, I couldn't say the words and I feel like I've been holding my breath for the past 4 months and saying it felt like breathing again. I am feeling so much better emotionally.

    As for the EWCM, I had 7 days of it. I had to laugh at myself and say, maybe I'm just extra fertile. Now if only I could be extra fertile and get a sticky baby! But it went away and cycle seems to be on track. DH is coming around to me charting and understands my desire to do it, but is still nervous about me getting anxious. @sandsunbliss have great advice in that department!! Thank you!

    Question of the day: What is your favorite inspirational song? BONUS for sharing the lyrics that mean the most to you.

    NTTCALR: Same Love by Macklemore. I don't want to get political, but I'm a huge advocate and I'm so inspired by people wanting to change the world and make it a better place.

    BFP #1: 3/23/13, EDD: 11/22/13, MC: 4/2/13
    Convinced it was a boy and missing him every day!
    BFP #2: 10/25/13, EDD: 7/3/14, Grow baby Grow! Anabelle Rose born 6/6/14 

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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic August Siggy Challenge: If Babies Could Talk
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    Happy Friday!! Thanks for the check-in Raz!

    I am in my 2WW (6DPO) and going stir crazy! I want to test so freaking bad! Being our first cycle off the bench, I was trying not to get my hopes up (I always set myself up for disappointment - yet I havent learned my lessons!). I will probably test at 11DPO if I can hold out that long.

    In other news, I have updated my resume & coverletter and am in the process of actively seeking new employment. I cant deal with my crazy boss anymore - too much negativity and I am seeing major financial strain in my company. Its at the point where I can no longer "do more with less".

    QOTW: Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway

    Grew up in a small town
    And when the rain would fall down
    I'd just stare out my window
    Dreaming of what could be
    And if I'd end up happy
    I would pray (I would pray)

    Trying hard to reach out
    But when I tried to speak out
    Felt like no one could hear me
    Wanted to belong here
    But something felt so wrong here
    So I prayed I could break away

    I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
    I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
    And I'll make a wish
    Take a chance
    Make a change
    And breakaway
    Out of the darkness and into the sun
    But I won't forget all the ones that I love
    I'll take a risk
    Take a chance
    Make a change
    And breakaway

    @Drgn30 - I am so sorry for your loss. The ladies on the TTCAL board are amazing women with deep insight. I hope your limbo passes quickly.
    3/29/12 - Married my soulmate
    BFP #1 - 3/23/13 // EDD - 11/27/13 // M/MC - 5/3/13 // D&C - 5/4/13
    BFP #2 - 8/26/13 // EDD - 5/10/14 // Born 5/18/14


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    Drgn30 said:

    New member here.  Just turned 30 on Monday.  This was my first pregnancy after trying for a couple of months. DH is 30 as well.  I'm an attorney, he's a cancer researcher.

    I'm currently waiting to miscarry after finding out about my blighted ovum on Tuesday (should have been 8-9 weeks).  Either I miscarry naturally this weekend or go in for a D & C Monday.  Silver lining - I leave for vacation on Tuesday.

    My current TTC plans are on hold while my body gets back to normal.  I'd like to start temping asap, however.  Ready to start over.

    I am so sorry you find yourself here and for your loss. But welcome to this amazing group. I also had a blighted ovum.

    Married DH 3/14/09

    TTC Since Jan 2011
    Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
    BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
    took Cytotec July 20, 2013

    BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!

    Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!


  • Options
    Drgn30 said:
    New member here.  Just turned 30 on Monday.  This was my first pregnancy after trying for a couple of months. DH is 30 as well.  I'm an attorney, he's a cancer researcher.

    I'm currently waiting to miscarry after finding out about my blighted ovum on Tuesday (should have been 8-9 weeks).  Either I miscarry naturally this weekend or go in for a D & C Monday.  Silver lining - I leave for vacation on Tuesday.

    My current TTC plans are on hold while my body gets back to normal.  I'd like to start temping asap, however.  Ready to start over.
    So sorry for your loss.

    This board has been wonderful. 
    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Helen Keller



    Dating- 3/1/1999 ~ Married- 10/10/2004
    DD#1- Sweet Pea ~ Born on her Due Date 3/1/2007
    DD#2- Pumpkin ~ Due 9/29/2010 Arrived 10/1/2010

    ~ BFP: 6/12/2013 EDD: 2/21/2014 NT Scan: 8/5/2013 (11w3d) MMC D&C: 8/8/2013 ~

    ~BFP: 3/15/2014 EDD: 11/24/2014 CP 4 weeks 4 days ~

    ~BFP: 7/2/2014 EDD: 3/15/2015 CP 4 weeks ~

    ~BFP: 8/31/2014 EDD: 5/10/2015

    BabyFruit Ticker


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersimageimage
    *All are Welcome*

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    @myfirstraspberry, that is  a fabulous update!

    married my best friend 10/04/08, TTC since July 2012
    BFP#1 Thanksgiving 11/22/12, mo-mo twins(one sac), traditional EDD 7/27/13, EDD due to risk 6/15/13
    mmc Angel 2/7/13 @ 15w3d, mmc Aubrey 2/13/13 @ 16w2d, D&E 2/16/13

    BFP#2 9/21/13, EDD 6/2/14, DD born 5/17/14 

    imageimage image

    All AL always welcome in my threads!

  • Options
    Drgn30 said:
    New member here.  Just turned 30 on Monday.  This was my first pregnancy after trying for a couple of months. DH is 30 as well.  I'm an attorney, he's a cancer researcher.

    I'm currently waiting to miscarry after finding out about my blighted ovum on Tuesday (should have been 8-9 weeks).  Either I miscarry naturally this weekend or go in for a D & C Monday.  Silver lining - I leave for vacation on Tuesday.

    My current TTC plans are on hold while my body gets back to normal.  I'd like to start temping asap, however.  Ready to start over.
    @Drgn30 Welcome to LIW. I am very sorry for your loss.

    I recently turned 30 in July and I too experienced a blighted ovum. Whether you go through a natural process or a D&C, I hope you have an easy, quick experience. I'm so very sorry you are dealing with this.

    Where are you going on vacation?

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    edited August 2013
    @ahenson818 Waiting another week for Provera isn't gonna hurt anything. I still feel like it would be a miracle for AF to come for you. Your chart is just so.... blah right now. Sorry for that. I do hope your body kicks it into gear.

    @princezjk I'm glad to hear that you are moving forward with the pre-conception consult. Let me know when the appt is. I definitely want to know how it goes.  P.S. - The lyrics of the song you mentioned are beautiful! I must download it!

    @ksyknelvr73 It is definitely a two way sword of sorts with normal blood work results that show no abnormalities. I am glad you are healthy though. I wish I could give you a hug for the BFN. We get our hopes up so high each cycle. It is such a let down. Maybe some wine and/or chocolate are in your future. Be kind to yourself.

    @SandSunBliss How the heck to you avoid all carbs? I've been trying a low carb diet for maybe 2 days and I can't stay away from fruit. Banana's are full of carbs but are so yummy! I tell myself it is ok to eat mostly low carb but the world is not going to end if I eat nutritious foods even if they have carbs. So sweet of YH to avoid bread to support you! That makes things sooo much easier - especially when eating out.

    @Tappin2B I hear ya! I swear... only ladies that have experienced a loss (or losses) and are waiting for x number of cycles to pass before TTC, can truly understand our happiness for AF. It is a weird world we live in.

    Ladies, I LOVE all the songs you are suggesting. I'm going to have to create a new playlist and include all of them!

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    @MyFirstRaspberry, great update!!!!! I'm sorry it was pretty painful, but the outcome is awesome! I have very high hopes for you for this cycle!

    Also, I do believe some wine is in the cards for tonight. Or any alcoholic beverage really.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

  • Options
    @ahenson818 Waiting another week for Provera isn't gonna hurt anything. I still feel like it would be a miracle for AF to come for you. Your chart is just so.... blah right now. Sorry for that. I do hope your body kicks it into gear.

    @princezjk I'm glad to hear that you are moving forward with the pre-conception consult. Let me know when the appt is. I definitely want to know how it goes.  P.S. - The lyrics of the song you mentioned are beautiful! I must download it!

    @ksyknelvr73 it="" is="" definitely="" a="" two="" way="" sword="" of="" sorts="" with="" normal="" blood="" work="" results="" that="" show="" no="" abnormalities.="" i="" am="" glad="" you="" are="" healthy="" though.="" and="" wish="" could="" give="" ((hug))="" for="" the="" bfn.="" we="" get="" our="" hopes="" so="" high="" each="" cycle,="" its="" such="" let="" down.="" maybe="" some="" wine="" or="" chocolate="" in="" your="" future.="" be="" kind="" to="" yourself.
    @SandSunBliss How the heck to you avoid all carbs? I've been trying a low carb diet for maybe 2 days and I can't stay away from fruit. Banana's are full of carbs but are so yummy! I tell myself it is ok to eat mostly low carb but the world is not going to end if I eat nutritious foods even if they have carbs. So sweet of YH to avoid bread to support you! That makes things sooo much easier - especially when eating out.

    @Tappin2B I hear ya! I swear... only ladies that have experienced a loss (or losses) and are waiting for x number of cycles to pass before TTC, can truly understand our happiness for AF. It is a weird world we live in.

    Ladies, I LOVE all the songs you are suggesting. I'm going to have to create a new playlist and include all of them!

    haha!  Well, I can't avoid all carbs, because damn it, they are in everything!  But I am avoiding starches like rice and pasta.  I am trying to pick fruits that are lower in sugar like berries.  Another bumpie shared this helpful webpage with me:

    I think you are doing wonderfully!  I am to an extreme at this point, which I'm sure I will relax on over time as my weight stabilizes.  Nutritious fruits and whole grain carbs are good for you and I think a totally acceptable part of your diet.(diet as in foods you eat, not a "diet")

    married my best friend 10/04/08, TTC since July 2012
    BFP#1 Thanksgiving 11/22/12, mo-mo twins(one sac), traditional EDD 7/27/13, EDD due to risk 6/15/13
    mmc Angel 2/7/13 @ 15w3d, mmc Aubrey 2/13/13 @ 16w2d, D&E 2/16/13

    BFP#2 9/21/13, EDD 6/2/14, DD born 5/17/14 

    imageimage image

    All AL always welcome in my threads!

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    edited August 2013
    @sarcaztic10 Congratulations!!! I am so glad to hear the renters got their act together and confirmed their commitment! And it is great news that you will receive a higher salary then you asked for. I can't remember if you shared or not, but what kind of job is it? I am excited for you!  Yikes, it sounds like you are stressed with the moving part... but at least the other issues are resolved.

    @BethKate On to the next cycle I suppose. I'm glad you can count on your cycle to be normal. I hope YH is up for the challenge next cycle.

    @MrsWallick I have not opened up about my loss but I have been seriously considering it. Your experience gives me hope that I would be able to do it and would feel good about it. I hope YH comes around to the temping. My husband gets excited for BD time and for adding X's to my chart. I agree, Same Love is a great song.

    @mmnumber5 Sorry you are experiencing spotting. May be a good reason to purchase cute new panties  :D  Good luck with your classes! Very exciting that it is your last year!!

    @Soupy84 :::waves hello:::  Love the gif!!  Good luck in the 2ww. The 2ww is enough to make someone insane!! FX for you!  I'm sorry your current employer is an asshat, but I'm excited for what new opportunities you could find. What kind of job are you seeking?  I hear "do more with less" ALL THE TIME at work. Such an oxymoron!

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    @kountingsheep- Congrats on the house! Are you doing all the pre-moving stuff now… packing, organizing, cleaning, etc? That isn’t much fun, but worth the effort. I’m excited that you will be NTNP next month! Thanks! I'm working on all the moving details, which I'm not a fan of, especially since this makes my third move in less than 2 years. But I'm methodically going through everything and getting rid of things we don't use or need so we can simplify and only move the things we want. I grew up in a rather materialistic home and now want to be more minimalist and live simply, so I'm trying to get rid of lots of things I've held onto that aren't important to me anymore. And I am so excited to not be TTA anymore! I did have a mini breakdown last night as I was updating my blog and realized that it's still scary to move forward, but I'm more ready than scared so I know this is the right time to start TTC again. QOTD: I haven't been that big into music lately, but a song that has helped me a lot during the MC and since then is "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. The first verse especially was powerful for me: "The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning. It's time to sing Your song again. Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes."
    Moving forward can be scary. The idea will always be in the back of our heads that we could experience another loss. I hope YH and TTCAL provides you with the support you need to move forward - in whatever way that is.

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    Hi Raz!

    - CD56. I’m sorry you are experiencing such a long, drawn out cycle. I’m so frustrated for you.  How long does it take to see the effects of metformin? Did you get the results back from the blood work yet? I spy a decent temp spike this morning???

    Ugh. Waiting, waiting waiting. No results yet. I'm on a pretty low dose of metformin, so hoping we'll go up when we get results back. I hear it takes about 3 months though to get to it's max potential and I've been on it one. I had a nice spike this morning, and sore boobs and nausea, but no fertile cm. So, no idea what's going on. I'm waiting for bloodwork to get back, then asking for provera.

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        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

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    @myfirstraspberry, that is  a fabulous update!

    I agree! Yay ras!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic   image image

        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

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    @MyFirstRaspberry yea I don't think she's coming on her own either. I know my chart is horrible. I am glad I'm temping though at least I know what's going on with body...abso-fucking-lutely nothing and not getting the urge to POAS only to be disappointed.
  • Options
    @MyFirstRaspberry yea I don't think she's coming on her own either. I know my chart is horrible. I am glad I'm temping though at least I know what's going on with body...abso-fucking-lutely nothing and not getting the urge to POAS only to be disappointed.
    You make a good point. Knowledge is power.

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    @MyFirstRaspberry yea I don't think she's coming on her own either. I know my chart is horrible. I am glad I'm temping though at least I know what's going on with body...abso-fucking-lutely nothing and not getting the urge to POAS only to be disappointed.

    ((hugs))) PCOS sucks big time. I'm trying not to POAS too. Long cycles play mind tricks!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic   image image

        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

  • Options

    @MyFirstRaspberry yea I don't think she's coming on her own either. I know my chart is horrible. I am glad I'm temping though at least I know what's going on with body...abso-fucking-lutely nothing and not getting the urge to POAS only to be disappointed.

    ((hugs))) PCOS sucks big time. I'm trying not to POAS too. Long cycles play mind tricks!

    Thanks hun!! You're right BIG time mind tricks. (((Hugs))) back at ya
  • Options

    @MyFirstRasberry I am so glad to hear your apt today went well and that all looks as it should! But oh so sorry it was painful.

    @MrsHamon09- Were you able to confirm AF? I know you had some spotting. I hope you are doing well. How is the house hunting process starting out for you?

    Well the spotting according to the clinical assistant was not my period just residual from the miscarriage. Made me disappointed but some of the lovely ladies on this board have provided me with support to not get so discouraged about it and I know my timeline from my doctor that if no AF but 9/15 its time to call so I am holding out till then. It just sucks to have PMS symptoms yay for chocolate candy cravings that I only get when my period is about to come for the rest of the year I HATE chocolate lol.

    I go on Sunday to see the first set of houses so FX that I see one I like that wont require too much fixing up we are on a tight budget.

    Married DH 3/14/09

    TTC Since Jan 2011
    Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
    BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
    took Cytotec July 20, 2013

    BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!

    Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!


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    @SandSunBliss - have you looked up info on the Paleo way of eating? There are lots of free apps out there with yummy low carb recipes that are amazing. I'm not strict, but I cook Paleo dinners all the time to keep it light with lots of veggies, and even my hubby loves it! Paleo Parents and Civilzed Caveman are my faves :)
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    How on Earth do I change that picture next to my name?! Why does it look like a pregnant woman?!
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    What a fabulous update!  Sorry I wasn't around earlier, but I'm so glad everything looked so great, and that your doc is being helpful but also looking out for you!

    @MollySm- How is this cycle starting out for you? Looks like you are headed toward your FW. Happy Humping!

    We are heading into our FW.  We're trying to keep at it, without overdoing it in case I get a fakeout first set of EWCM and then a second set the next week when I actually ovulate.  We could have had better timing last month, so I'm hoping we do better this month.  So far so good :)
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


  • Options
    MollySm said:
    What a fabulous update!  Sorry I wasn't around earlier, but I'm so glad everything looked so great, and that your doc is being helpful but also looking out for you!

    @MollySm- How is this cycle starting out for you? Looks like you are headed toward your FW. Happy Humping!

    We are heading into our FW.  We're trying to keep at it, without overdoing it in case I get a fakeout first set of EWCM and then a second set the next week when I actually ovulate.  We could have had better timing last month, so I'm hoping we do better this month.  So far so good :)
    BD scheduling always stresses me out because burn out is a possibility for anyone. I try to limit our BD timing to my FW. But for ladies with irregular cycles, timing is very difficult. I'm glad you know your FW.  Good Luck!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

    image  image

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    @MyFirstRasberry I am so glad to hear your apt today went well and that all looks as it should! But oh so sorry it was painful.

    @MrsHamon09- Were you able to confirm AF? I know you had some spotting. I hope you are doing well. How is the house hunting process starting out for you?

    Well the spotting according to the clinical assistant was not my period just residual from the miscarriage. Made me disappointed but some of the lovely ladies on this board have provided me with support to not get so discouraged about it and I know my timeline from my doctor that if no AF but 9/15 its time to call so I am holding out till then. It just sucks to have PMS symptoms yay for chocolate candy cravings that I only get when my period is about to come for the rest of the year I HATE chocolate lol.

    I go on Sunday to see the first set of houses so FX that I see one I like that wont require too much fixing up we are on a tight budget.

    I hope AF shows up for real soon!!

    Have fun on Sunday!  I brought a camera with me when we were house hunting because after a while all the houses start to merge together in my brain. 

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    Hi ladies :)

    I am currently 9dpo (based on opks and cm).  Just trucking along here.  Loving the beautiful weather we've been having lately here!

    Good luck to all the ladies in waiting!

    DD born 6.13.11 at 37w5d

    DS born 5.23.12 at 36w5d

    BFP 6.9.13|heartbeat of 128bpm 7weeks|7.23.13 ultrasound revealed no heartbeat|natural m/c and d&c 7.25.13

    DS born 5.20.14 at 38 weeks

    All are welcome


  • Options

    Hi ladies :)

    I am currently 9dpo (based on opks and cm).  Just trucking along here.  Loving the beautiful weather we've been having lately here!

    Good luck to all the ladies in waiting!

    Good luck!! 

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

    image  image

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  • Options
    MollySm said:
    What a fabulous update!  Sorry I wasn't around earlier, but I'm so glad everything looked so great, and that your doc is being helpful but also looking out for you!

    @MollySm- How is this cycle starting out for you? Looks like you are headed toward your FW. Happy Humping!

    We are heading into our FW.  We're trying to keep at it, without overdoing it in case I get a fakeout first set of EWCM and then a second set the next week when I actually ovulate.  We could have had better timing last month, so I'm hoping we do better this month.  So far so good :)
    BD scheduling always stresses me out because burn out is a possibility for anyone. I try to limit our BD timing to my FW. But for ladies with irregular cycles, timing is very difficult. I'm glad you know your FW.  Good Luck!
    It's definitely stressful.  I cannot imagine having a more irregular cycle.  I know it must be so tough for some of our women here :-(
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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    @myfirstraspberry I'm glad I could give you some hope in sharing your experience :) We'll be starting to TTC officially in October, so for right now, I wink at DH that "green means go" and I just get an eye roll in return. His response is let's just have sex every day all the time, not just when were baby making LOL! Men!!!!

    BFP #1: 3/23/13, EDD: 11/22/13, MC: 4/2/13
    Convinced it was a boy and missing him every day!
    BFP #2: 10/25/13, EDD: 7/3/14, Grow baby Grow! Anabelle Rose born 6/6/14 

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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic August Siggy Challenge: If Babies Could Talk
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