Hi MoMs..I was reading through some other posts about using a twin wrap or wishing you had...
I haven't any idea where to start. Could you recommend one that you used or liked etc? Thanks mommas!
I have both moby and ergo. My twins are not here yet but I did use both with my first. Moby was ok it did make BF easier especially if we were in a place where I couldn't sneak away to feed him but after a while it became annoying to put on and it was hot both him and I would sweat to death also we didn't get to use it long because it felt like the fabric just wasn't supporting the weight in a way I like but I know tons of moms who loved theres. I will try it again but I loved everything about my ergo no complaints there and that one I could use up until a little after his second birthday.
Together 6 wonderful years.
TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
I found a twin hold for moby wraps on you tube. I didnt use my moby a lot with my singleton because it got hot. The ergo is great but you have to get two, they also make a light weight version that rolls into a bag now (ergo) but they are expensive even without having to buy 2. (Front carry one, back carry the other) my balboa baby sling was amaxing, again with my single, but I havent checked to see if you can double them up.
Mono/Di Twins - Due March 3, 2014 (Realist EDD - Feb 5, 2014)
Re: Rec your twin wrap
Mono/Di Twins - Due March 3, 2014 (Realist EDD - Feb 5, 2014)
Mommy to Jericho - 2 Years Old.