I know most of you 5' mamas have trouble finding cribs that work or they just barely are ok...I'm a foot shorter and although I'm just now ttc I figure I better start looking now. I'm a nanny at the moment and though their crib looked pretty short...until they transferred the baby from the bassinet to the crib. Oh my goodness, on the highest setting I still can't reach the baby or put her in without a high foot stool which I don't really think is safe, and I'm not even preggo yet! We have almost fallen once which gave me a mini heart attack! Bassinets and that are no problem for me, but babies can't sleep in them forever...3 months at most from what I have seen as a nanny. Are there any other little people mama's on here that can recommend a crib for me?
Re: Looking for a crib that will work for me...I'm 4'2" tall
On a side note, I have an Ikea crib and it's really low to the ground but the railings are standard height so it's still a pretty good stretch. I'm almost 6 feet tall and sometimes even I have a hard time smoothly setting a sleeping baby down at the lowest position. Then again, my baby is now 30 pounds so it isn't as easy of a set down anymore, either.
BFP #2 7/18/11 - EDD 3/29/12 - Born 3/13/12
BFP #1 4/4/11 - Natural M/C - 7w1d - 4/30/11
Anyway, the safety gate folds down, as opposed to dropping down, and has a butterfly hinge that is pinch-proof.
We got it from Georgia Baby & Kids since we live in Atlanta (not sure where you are). I'm a little over 5 feet, so we got it mainly for me. (I also was a nanny before getting pregnant and struggled with the crib height.)
But actually, now that our toddler is still sleeping in the crib, even my husband uses the gate because our LO is so long that it became difficult for him to lift her all the way up and over the rail, depending on how he was holding her and how asleep she was.
The safety gate style is more expensive than many cribs at Target or BRU (or Ikea, of course), but I love its functionality, quality, style, and that it converts to a toddler and full-size beds.
Highly recommend.