
@winomite and other cadbury egg lovers

Guess what is in my mouth?

No, not that, you dirty hors.

a Cadbury Screme Egg

It was so fresh. The crème was green and just the right consistency. 

Re: @winomite and other cadbury egg lovers

  • I can't eat dairy right now and this is making me so damn sad.
  • Where the hell did you get that shit?

    I'm losing to HG today and I think that might help me win.

    I can eat my 2000 daily calories in cadbury egg, right?

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  • OMG I can't believe it's already time for Screme Eggs!!!!!!!!!!!

    So excited!!!
  • @RondackHiker   I got them at a local drug store chain. It's the only place I have seen them around here yet. And yes, you can absolutely use your calories up on Cadbury eggs. You can have 13 of them. 
  • Yep I got one at Jewel the other night and it was fabulous!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker





  • I've checked two stores now.

    No luck.

    I have the craving sadness.

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  • @eddy321 consider yourself flagged. I will not tolerate nonsense like that in my thread. :x 
  • That stinks, Rondack. Maybe once the school supply sections are cleared out, more Halloween candy will start coming in. 
  • I want real cadbury eggs. Not green colored.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Mmmm cadbury eggs! And Halloween candy already? Not ready!

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
  • Well it's not Easter @LuckyDad. Unless you have figured out how to build a time machine, you'll have to deal with eggs filled with snot or go without. Don't try to bring me down on this glorious day. 
  • We do need Halloween candy this early, eddy. We just do. 
  • eddy321 said:
    Well it's not Easter @LuckyDad. Unless you have figured out how to build a time machine, you'll have to deal with eggs filled with snot or go without. Don't try to bring me down on this glorious day.
    You can't talk sense with her, LD.  Cadbury Eggs are supposed to be egg-colored.  Or, um, chocolate filled.  They are not snot filled, rotten eggs.  Duh.

    ETA: Besides... it's August!  August, people!  Halloween is not until October 31st.  We do not need Halloween candy out this early, for Pete's sake.
    Don't you know how the holiday seasons work these days, @eddy321?

    Christmas starts the day after Halloween.
    Thanksgiving doesn't really get it's own day in the sun, except at the grocery stories.
    Halloween starts right around now. Costumes on display at CostCo, Halloween candy out, etc.
    Back-to-School starts somewhere in mid July. When some kids haven't even been out for a full month.
    Dads and Grads is basically all May.

    You get the point.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Love tits for everyone that professes their love for all Cadbury Eggs, yellow or green filled. 
  • Cadbury eggs should be year round, color coordinated for all holidays. Festive!

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  • Love tits for everyone that professes their love for all Cadbury Eggs, yellow or green filled.

    I guess it wasn't clear I'm still going to buy and eat some.

    I'm just going to complain about the dye.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • They need to reintroduce the Cadbury Ornament Crème eggs during the winter season. We should start a petition.

  • I used to love those damn Cadbury eggs when I was a one bite makes my stomach hurt and causes instant regret :(  Just not as strong as I used to be.

    Kinda sad, but also happy about that.  One less thing to tempt me.

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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  • eddy321 said:

    Love tits for everyone that professes their love for all Cadbury Eggs, yellow or green filled.

    I guess it wasn't clear I'm still going to buy and eat some.

    I'm just going to complain about the dye.
    Ditto this. I'll definitely still eat them. I'm just going to be a snob about it. :P

    Well that's ok then. This is how it will go down.

    I wish these were "real" Cadbury Eggs. [-(

    :takes a bite: :-?

    What's this green stuff? :-t

    OMFG sugary gooey chocolate!    \:D/ 
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