TTC After a Loss

Positivity :)

kbedfoxkbedfox member
edited August 2013 in TTC After a Loss
I've found that I'm routinely participating in Throat Punch and Crazy Train and similar threads yet I never post anything especially positive, so this is my attempt at evening it all out and showing you guys I'm not 100% a negative Nancy ;)

The 10 week old puppy we're fostering hasn't had an accident inside in TWO DAYS! That's monumental lol. Then again I'm taking her out every 30-45 minutes and every time she looks like she's sniffing around for a spot to go potty.. Regardless, I haven't had to clean up pee or poop from the carpet in 2 days and I'm thrilled.

What's good in your life?

Edit: I'm still totally participating in TP and all the other discussions! Just want to also put my good vibes out there!

imageLilypie - (zxAe)

Re: Positivity :)

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    I just had a Caramel Frappuchino - that's as positive as my life gets at the moment :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I've found that I'm routinely participating in Throat Punch and Crazy Train and similar threads yet I never post anything especially positive, so this is my attempt at evening it all out and showing you guys I'm not 100% a negative Nancy ;)

    The 10 week old puppy we're fostering hasn't had an accident inside in TWO DAYS! That's monumental lol. Then again I'm taking her out every 30-45 minutes and every time she looks like she's sniffing around for a spot to go potty.. Regardless, I haven't had to clean up pee or poop from the carpet in 2 days and I'm thrilled.

    What's good in your life?

    Edit: I'm still totally participating in TP and all the other discussions! Just want to also put my good vibes out there!

    We have Tip of the Hat Tuesdays and Motivation Quote Mondays do you participate in either of those? They are a great spot for encouragement and uplifting. Furbaby Friday has pet pictures too! There's lots of "good" stuff going on. You just have to take part!  


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



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    I am excited to.go look at houses Sunday!!

    Married DH 3/14/09

    TTC Since Jan 2011
    Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
    BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
    took Cytotec July 20, 2013

    BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!

    Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!


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    Poppy715 said:
    We have Tip of the Hat Tuesdays and Motivation Quote Mondays do you participate in either of those? They are a great spot for encouragement and uplifting. Furbaby Friday has pet pictures too! There's lots of "good" stuff going on. You just have to take part!  
    I did not know about those! Definitely need to participate, so thank you :)

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    @kinipela7 Those are so good, I've been dying for a frappuccino for a long time. I'm super excited for the pumpkin spice lattes to return soon, too!

    @snedge I like pirates too? lol :)

    @MrsHamon09 Awesome! House hunting is such a fun time. Have you been looking long, or will this be the first time? Best of luck!

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    snegde said:
    mlal78 said:
    snegde said:
    Snegde the pirate!
    It was my most appropriate response.  ;;) 


    You make me laugh.


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



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    I love this!  Great to hear that your puppy is on the way to potty training :)

    My nugget of positivity from today was that I found a perfect job opportunity and even though I'm not actively looking, I'm going to apply for it.  It's just too good to pass on YKWIM?



    BFP#2:  EDD 2/11/14, MMC confirmed 7/15/13 (growth stopped at 6 weeks), D&C @ 12 weeks 7/25/13

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    My dog (6 years old tomorrow) never poops in his cage, unless he is sick and I can prepare for this, but yesterday he pooped. My dog and your dog must be in cahoots together!

    BFP #1: 3/23/13, EDD: 11/22/13, MC: 4/2/13
    Convinced it was a boy and missing him every day!
    BFP #2: 10/25/13, EDD: 7/3/14, Grow baby Grow! Anabelle Rose born 6/6/14 

    image     image

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic August Siggy Challenge: If Babies Could Talk
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    snegde said:


    Want to hear a pirate joke?

    How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced?

    Scroll down....

    This is funny.....

    A buck-an-ear. Get it...a buccaneer!!!


    Pregnancy Ticker

    BFP 5/19/2013. MC 7/2/2013 (9w6d) with est. loss at 8w. Miso 7/3/2013 and emergency D & C 7/6/2013.

    BFP#2 11/6/2013.  CP 11/14/2013.  

    BFP #3 12/13/2013.  Beta #1 @ 15dpo- 239. Progesterone 27.  Beta #2 @17dpo - 90.  CP 12/21/2013

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  -Philippians 4:6-7

    All PgAL and PAL welcome.

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    This will be our first time hunting/ buying!

    Married DH 3/14/09

    TTC Since Jan 2011
    Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
    BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
    took Cytotec July 20, 2013

    BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!

    Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!


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    AF is slowly making her return.  Oh, what a happy day!   
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    @lisagde definitely understand about the perfect job! I love where I am now, but if something better were to come along, it would be silly not to at least make an effort. GL to you, keep us posted!

    @MrsWallick after two awesome days of no messes in the house, the pup let me down this morning :( hope yours is better!

    @kayleenamiller awesome! now just remember how much you wanted her to show up when she brings all her lovely gifts ;)

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    Today my co-worker healed my crappy attitude with awesome french press coffee and kindness.  True story. 

    Began trying for a baby January 2012
    BFP 4.25.2013  EDD 1.3.2014  MMC 6.3.2013  D&C 6.19.2013
    BFP 11.3.2013  CP 11.6.2013
    BFP 3.31.2014 EDD 12.10.2014 Baby boy Carlson born 12.19.2014 
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    Today my co-worker healed my crappy attitude with awesome french press coffee and kindness.  True story. 

    Thank goodness for friends like that

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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