I have a friend that asked if I would watch her LO 4 hrs a day/ 5 day a week. She said she would pay me whatever I was comfortable with. We live in a low cost of living area but I have no clue what the going rate is for day cares and I wasn't looking for a job so really anything I charge would help me up for some spending cash. I don't want to charge her a much a a daycare because I'm not licensed and I'm just doing it because I'm comfortable watching her child and I want to help her out. So I'm clueless as to what would be a fair price, any thoughts?
Re: How much would you charge a friend?
Maybe $100-$125 a week, is she providing snacks, meals, drinks etc?
I know when I was looking into 3days/week PT daycare for Kevin it was roughly $270/week on average.
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I was more in line with @jmccall79....$75 sounds about right.
We pay $100 for PT care at a licensed in-home provider so if you are ok with it I would think anything over that is too much...