Indiana Babies

Don't buy a breast pump! Read this! (Cross post)

Just wanted to let everyone know, before you buy a breast pump CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY! Under the Affordable Care Act, breast pumps are now covered by insurance companies. I called mine today and they told me I could get a free Ameda double electric pump, or a manual pump--AND accessories (such as freezer bags/storage containers, plus any additional freezer bags I could re-order every 90 days, around a $300 value). Needless to say, I ordered mine ASAP  So before laying out all that money or putting it on your registry, give your insurance company a call and see what they'll offer you. I'm letting everyone know because none of my pregnant friends knew, and I only just learned of this last week. The savings is a big help in the time of a new baby.
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Re: Don't buy a breast pump! Read this! (Cross post)

  • I knew about the pump but not about the accessories.  I wonder if it differs depending on your individual insurance plan?  Either way, thanks for the heads up!
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  • Yes each insurance company is different, and some were "grandfathered in"; the law does not apply to these companies. Best thing to do is call and check with your insurance to see exactly what is provided. 
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