The Bugaboo Donkey is the Optimus prime of side by side strollers! I also felt the same as you about one child facing the front baby's seat. You can have them face you or face backwards. You can also have it go single or double. We LOVE it and can't wait to use it for 2. It's not cheap, but AWESOME!!!
I absolutely love my Baby Jogger City Mini Double. It is super easy to fold. Both seats have full recline, awesome sunshades, steers great. When we go to Disney, there are TONS of these strollers there b/c that's what all the rental companies use because they are the BEST. Check it out.
The Bugaboo Donkey is the Optimus prime of side by side strollers! I also felt the same as you about one child facing the front baby's seat. You can have them face you or face backwards. You can also have it go single or double. We LOVE it and can't wait to use it for 2. It's not cheap, but AWESOME!!!
this. Get it. It's worth it. If the price is too much, look on craigslist. I swear it's worth it though.
Baby Jogger City Mini double is awesome. The seats recline flat, the sunshades are great and it folds flat. To fold it, you simply pull the two belts in the seats and voila!
I second the City Select. The stacked tandem seating allows the frame to be a little shorter than a traditional tandem stroller, which makes it a little more maneuverable, and I think there are something like 16 seating configurations that are possible (mixing the toddler seats, bassinets, and car seats). The kids can face any direction and like the above poster noted it's actually really easy to fold/unfold and doesn't take up a lot of space.
I'm not a Bugaboo fan in general but two things the City Select has going for it over the Bugaboo is the weight limit (45 lbs per seat for the CS as opposed to 37.5 per seat with the Donkey) and I find the Donkey to be super awkward in singles mode. This is only important if you ever intend on using your double stroller as a single again, but I don't like the open basket next to the toddler seat on the Donkey. Just my two cents!
Re: Best double stroller?
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12