
First Visit with Case Worker

I posted a few weeks ago that my husband and I were thinking of adopting through the foster care system, but that my husband was a little more hesitant. We made a big step last week. I asked him if it was OK to put in the pre-application to the agency we will be using. He said it was OK and that he was warming up to the idea. I already have a call back from the agency and they are coming out to our house for a visit and information meeting next Tuesday. I will be cleaning like crazy this weekend (which will be good). I hope that my husband gets all of his questions answered and we can move forward. The real question for you ladies is, the case worker will be coming at dinner time, should I provide her with dinner, appetizers, etc. What would you do? TIA

TTC Since June 2012 BFP #1 08/01/12, D&C 09/07/12 9 weeks, Blighted Ovum BFP #2 01/01/13 m/c 5 weeks BFP #3 03/02/13 D&C 4/15/13 m/c 11 weeks, 07/19/13 Hysteroscopy for Scar Tissue, 9/12813 Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy for Scar Tissue, Cleared to TTC October 2013. 

BFP # 4 11/01/2013 EDD 07/12/14

Dear God, Since I couldn't hold my little one in my lap and tell him about you, could you hold him in your lap and tell him about me?

Re: First Visit with Case Worker

  • I offered drinks but not food.  I don't think they expect dinner.  From what I gather they generally just do a quick walk through your home to make sure you have enough space.  They will also give you advice on what you need to do to the house to get it ready safety wise for future inspections.  They then will ask if you have questions.  Ours did not last too long and they were in/out within about 15 minutes.  Once you are through with your classes and start your home study they will be longer.  Hopefully that helps.  Good luck and look forward to hearing how it goes :-).
    Live like there is no tomorrow..Love like you have never been hurt...
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  • I used to do homestudies.  I was not permitted to accept any food or drink from the families I visited because it could be seen as bribe.  I'm not saying that you are trying to bribe the worker but there is the possibility that some parents would think that because they fed the worker it will fast track the process for them and/or put them at the top of the list for a placement.  Also, the worker will not just be working on your home, she may have several families she is getting approved at the same time.  Let's say you get done before another family that started at the same time or before you.  That family finds out you fed the worker dinner so now they file a complaint that the worker gave you special treatment because you fed her and they didn't.  Of course it should have absolutely nothing to do with that and would most likely be because you had your stuff together first but you would be amazed the things that some people will complain about when it comes to getting their homes approved.  
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