
Switching Formulas

When switching from one formula to another did you do it gradually or just give a whole bottle of the new formula right away?

Also, anyone have with experience with soy formula?  Specifically the taste, did your baby seem to like it? I tried the soy last night and my dd did not seem interested.


Re: Switching Formulas

  • We only switched between like kinds (milk-based with iron) so we just switched flat out. If your baby is refusing the soy, maybe try a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture so the taste isn't that different.

    Mia never refused anything so I am no help there!

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Both of my kids had/have been on different kinds of formula no problem. I usually buy Kirkland (the costco brand - recommended by my pedi) unless I have coupons for the other major brands. Never had any problems.

    Never used soy formula.

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  • I switch all the time between Enfamil, Similac, and Target brand, depending on what coupons I have.  Its never bothered DD at all to switch, but they are all the standard milk formulas.  I've never tried soy, but I know other Mom's who have used it have had to mix before their baby will take it.  It definitely doesn't smell good! :)
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