Baby Names


I love the name Gladys for a girl, but I don't think I would ever actually use it. Thoughts on Gladys?

Are there names you like but would never use?
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Re: Gladys

  • A very old name IMO. But if you love it, then don't let anyone stop you ;-)
  • Gladys is old lady in a bad way, IMO. It doesn't feel fresh and quaint yet, like Millicent or Viola do. I won't be surprised to see it on our grandchildren's generation, though (it'll feel cool to our kids, even though it's still crusty to us). I have lots of names that I like but won't use just because DH doesn't like them. Not too many names "scare" me, though. (Probably just Ursula. We both like Ursula, but The Little Mermaid association is just too pervasive for young children).
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  • I'm not a huge fan of Gladys but I know the feeling, I'm digging Marjorie for a Middle name for this LO #3, to remember my Nana, and the hubby isn't liking it so far.. to old school he says... yet our daughters middle name is Louise, old school if you ask me...
  • I'm saving Gladys for a future cat name. If I bring home two I'm thinking Gladys and Myrtle.
    Married 9-4-04

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  • I'll be the odd one out and say I really like it. I don't like classic names, but I find this one pretty. 
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  • I taught a high school student with this name and I really came to like it.  It was different, but beautiful.
  • I like it, it feels usable.
  • It sounds old lady to me. That said, there's an old lady in my church choir named Gladys, and I love her!

    I think everyone has names they like but would never use for various reasons.

  • Chicken and Waffles?  Sorry, I live about 2 blocks from Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles, so that's right where I go on that one.  On the plus side, there's always a line out the door, so it must be good.
  • I'm personally not a fan, but I would never side-eye it.  It's a perfectly fine name.

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  • Why wouldn't you use it if you love it?



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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I like Gladys, I'd probably use it as a mn though
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  • Yeah, I don't think Gladys is quite granny chic (like Hazel or Ruby).  For me, it's kind of still in the crusty old lady camp (like Ethel or Mildred).  I think you have to have more criteria when you pick a name than just "I love it."  You have to think of the child living with it from baby to adulthood and people's perceptions of it (IMO).
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  • Yeah, I don't think Gladys is quite granny chic (like Hazel or Ruby).  For me, it's kind of still in the crusty old lady camp (like Ethel or Mildred).  I think you have to have more criteria when you pick a name than just "I love it."  You have to think of the child living with it from baby to adulthood and people's perceptions of it (IMO).


    I tend to agree.

    Also-- your dogs are killing me.  Mini Schnauzers?


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Yeah, I don't think Gladys is quite granny chic (like Hazel or Ruby).  For me, it's kind of still in the crusty old lady camp (like Ethel or Mildred).  I think you have to have more criteria when you pick a name than just "I love it."  You have to think of the child living with it from baby to adulthood and people's perceptions of it (IMO).


    I tend to agree.

    Also-- your dogs are killing me.  Mini Schnauzers?


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I want to like Gladys, but I can't.  I think it's the "iss" ending as PP referenced.  My first thought was Gladys Knight, but that's probably primarily because that's the only Gladys I've ever known of.  But I'm in the "if you love it use it" camp, as it fits the it's a real name, it's spelled right, and it's pronounceable criteria.  Hard to discourage use of a solid name choice like that.
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  • Chicken and Waffles?  Sorry, I live about 2 blocks from Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles, so that's right where I go on that one.  On the plus side, there's always a line out the door, so it must be good.

    This is where I go too! (Side note - DS loves chicken and he loves waffles. Sometimes he has both for dinner - which we call Gladys Knight Night in our house. :-) )  Anywhoo - aside from the yummy dinner/breakfast combo association, I think of Gladys as an old lady name, but not in a good way. 

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  • Does anyone else think of this?

    It's really not a bad association, IMO.



  • Yeah, I don't think Gladys is quite granny chic (like Hazel or Ruby).  For me, it's kind of still in the crusty old lady camp (like Ethel or Mildred).  I think you have to have more criteria when you pick a name than just "I love it."  You have to think of the child living with it from baby to adulthood and people's perceptions of it (IMO).


    I tend to agree.

    Also-- your dogs are killing me.  Mini Schnauzers?

    Yep, they are mini schnauzers! 
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  • My great aunt it named Gladys.  We've always called her Happy-Butt.  (say Gladys out loud).
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  • Empireceo said:
    My great aunt it named Gladys.  We've always called her Happy-Butt.  (say Gladys out loud).
    That's too funny - and may now stick with me.  Once something like that gets in my head, the name becomes solidly placed in the no category for me!  Funny to have a great aunt Happy-Butt.  Not so funny to be the 8-year-old on the playground called Happy-Butt.
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  • Sorry if I ruined the name for you! :(
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  • Why wouldn't you use it if you love it?


    Because although I like it, I do think it has an old lady association that I wouldn't want to saddle a daughter with. And kids would call her Glad-ass!
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  • I want to like Gladys, but I can't.  I think it's the "iss" ending as PP referenced.  My first thought was Gladys Knight, but that's probably primarily because that's the only Gladys I've ever known of.  But I'm in the "if you love it use it" camp, as it fits the it's a real name, it's spelled right, and it's pronounceable criteria.  Hard to discourage use of a solid name choice like that.

    "Midnight Train to Georgia" is now officially stuck in my head. ;)
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