
What determines type of stitches, etc?

I had a c-section and got internal dissolving stitches and external surgical glue only.  Does anyone know what determines what they use?  Is it just Dr preference, whether it's an emergency or not, or something else?  Just wondering why some people get staples.  Is there an advantage to using one procedure over another?  For those that had the same stuff as me, how long did it take to heal?  Thanks!
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Re: What determines type of stitches, etc?

  • I had internal dissolving stitches and glue. My SIL and I both had sections around the same time. She had staples. My incision was healed externally within the first week. I was able to move around and do things like grocery shop or house chores within the first week. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't going marathon grocery shopping or scrubbing showers. But I was able to get around when I needed to. My SIL's incision took quite some time to heal and she had a lot of pain.

    I was told that it was a doctor preference when I asked prior to surgery. However, I have a nurse friend who suggested it has more to do with the patient's physique. If that is the case then it would make sense. My SIL is overweight and I am small.  

  • I was told that it was a doctor preference when I asked prior to surgery. However, I have a nurse friend who suggested it has more to do with the patient's physique. If that is the case then it would make sense. My SIL is overweight and I am small.  

    I would coincidentally follow, if this is the case - I'm pretty thin, only gained 20 lb, and got glue+steri strips
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  • I had staples with the first and stitches with the second, same doctor and I was about the same size so I have no idea. I healed better with the stitches but I don't know if it was just a second time around thing. Scar looks much thinner too. I know with the first she had 3 patients in labor so maybe staples were just faster so she could get to the others? I am pregnant with the third so this time I will ask my doctor and see if she will do the stitches again.
  • Mostly dr.'s preference, but they do have to take into account the patient, the type of incision, etc. 


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  • i know my dr usually does staples.

    had staples both times and gained 26-30 pounds. I had them removed 4 days after surgery both times and my recovery was very different both times. The first time it was harder then the second time. With this csection I am 11 days post surgery and I am getting around great and am already down 20 pounds.
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  • I had the internal stitches and steri strips.  I heard the nurses mention that the doc who did my surgery likes to use staples and I was very glad when I found out he hadn't used them on me.  Staples are also faster than stitches (think stapling something together versus sewing it together) so I have to wonder if some docs use them just to get out of the OR faster.  
  • It is doctor/hospital preference. I asked when I had ds a month ago because I know all places are different and I had dd1 and dd2 at a different hospital with a different doctor. For those saying staples are used on heavier women I can say that isn't the case in all plus size situations. I am plus sized and had stitches and glue with all 3 of my sections. I healed beautifully. I think if I had staples I wouldn't have healed so well.
  • I asked my ob what she does. She said she normally does staples but will do dissolvable stitches for me, unless the incision is goopy or problematic? She offered this on her own. I am rather petite, but I don't know if that makes a difference. I would prefer stitches to staples anyway.
  • I've had both. The second time I requested glue and stitches as opposed to staples because they were so uncomfortable. My doc said to just remind whomever the doctor happened to be prior to surgery and if they could handle my request then they would. My recovery was much easier the second time around.
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  • I'm fat with a little belly overhang and got glue + steri strips so I don't think body size has anything to do with it. I am going to request the same this time around because I healed so well and do not want to have to go in for staple removal.

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  • Another with stitches and steristrips....I am also overweight...I think its docs choice...I did hear them say they were gonna use staples, but the 2nd doc in with me said she would do the closing so the surgeon could leave. She then told me that it would be a cleaner line and easier heal.

  • I had internal stitches and glue. I am allergic to surgical tape/paper tape so I had no surgical dressing either. Healed awesome barely a line. Oh and I am of the fluffy variety so weight didn't make a difference.
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  • Ya, I'm overweight and had the glue too. My friend had staples a month prior and was worse of then I was a few days out after the month. She had hers open twice and spiked a high fever, on her birthday. But, I think healing might have to do with the person too.

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