Cloth Diapering

CD for preemies?

My micro-preemie is still in the NICU but we are hoping that she will be able to come home in the next 3 - 4 weeks. She most likely will still be under 5lbs when she comes home.

Before her early arrival I was hoping to use CD. Now that she is here and little I am wondering if it would still be possible and if anyone has any tips for preemie CD. I saw that Rumperooz(?) makes diapers that could fit a preemie. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
BFP #1 - Missed M/C, D&C 3.21.11

BFP #2 - Sylvie V. Q. born and died on 10.28.11 at 21w. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

BFP #3 - Evie V. Q. Fetal demise @ 16w. DC 7.8.12
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

BFP  #4 - Beatrix V. Q. Born 6.2.13 at 23w6d.

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Re: CD for preemies?

  • My friends baby was only 3 weeks early, but very slow gaining. I lent her my newborn diapers. The best fit under 6 lbs was bummis preemie prefolds and bummis newborn super whisper wrap. The lil joeys (by RaRz) fit, but occasionally had a leg leak because of the tiny skinny legs-so she didn't use them at night. My term baby outgrew the absorbency on lil joeys by 6 weeks, but her LO wore them to 12 weeks. The RaRz newborn cover is also really great. She found it a bit bulky under 6 lbs, but it still worked, and it fit my LO til 3 months, so you'll get a lot of use from it. She's still using it at 3 months (8.5lbs now I think), whereas the bummis newborn cover was outgrown, and she doesn't fit the bummis small yet.
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  • My twins came home at 4.5-5 lbs.  We only used prefolds and covers.  I don't have any experience with rumparooz, but I have heard good things.  

    My babies outgrew the absorbency of preemie prefolds really quickly.  We only used them for maybe a week.  We really liked the thirsties size 1 covers and bummis newborn super whisper wraps with GMD newborn prefolds. I will say they looked huge on baby, but I didn't care about that.  They worked really well.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • DD was 5 lbs 14lbs when we brought her home.  We wound up using disposables for the first few weeks since we had been gifted some and brought some home from the hospital.  We are using Osocozy pre-folds and got the premie sized with Thirsties size one duo wrap when we ran out of disposables.  Like pp said, she outgrew the absorbency of those really quickly.  We put her in the newborn sized pre-fold probably around 7 lbs.  Good luck!
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  • My baby was 5lb 13 oz at birth but down to 5lb 5 oz at her smallest. She fit in Kissaluvs size 0s and GMD newborn prefolds from the getgo, with Prowraps covers, and Bummis Super brites - those actually fit reallly nicely. I'm sure the prefolds would work on a 4 pounder - they'll be a little bulky but they'll work for a while. 
    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
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