My micro-preemie is still in the NICU but we are hoping that she will be able to come home in the next 3 - 4 weeks. She most likely will still be under 5lbs when she comes home.
Before her early arrival I was hoping to use CD. Now that she is here and little I am wondering if it would still be possible and if anyone has any tips for preemie CD. I saw that Rumperooz(?) makes diapers that could fit a preemie. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
BFP #1 - Missed M/C, D&C 3.21.11
BFP #2 - Sylvie V. Q. born and died on 10.28.11 at 21w.

BFP #3 - Evie V. Q. Fetal demise @ 16w. DC 7.8.12

BFP #4 - Beatrix V. Q. Born 6.2.13 at 23w6d.

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Re: CD for preemies?
My twins came home at 4.5-5 lbs. We only used prefolds and covers. I don't have any experience with rumparooz, but I have heard good things.
My babies outgrew the absorbency of preemie prefolds really quickly. We only used them for maybe a week. We really liked the thirsties size 1 covers and bummis newborn super whisper wraps with GMD newborn prefolds. I will say they looked huge on baby, but I didn't care about that. They worked really well.
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019