Nurseries and Baby Gear

Chicco Liteway vs. Chicco Liteway PLUS

Does anyone have either one of these and can you give me your review on it?   I'm wanting to get an umbrella stroller and I am looking at these two.  I like how the Chicco LIteway PLUS allows you to put an infant car seat in it but I'm wondering if it is going to realistically be used much and if it's worth the increase in price compared to the Liteway.  We do have a BOB stroller with the car seat attachment we plan to use when we are out but I like how this stroller seems to be more light weight and convenient when we are on the go.  Any insight, suggestions, or other umbrella stroller suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 

Re: Chicco Liteway vs. Chicco Liteway PLUS

  • Try them out in the store. We didn't end buying either, but I some reason the regular steered better than the Plus. Also, I personally hate leaving LO in the car seat unless its a short trip. If you already have the adapter with the BOB, I'd wait till LO gets here to see if you really use the adapter much and make your decision from there. (I'm assuming you're still pg-I'm on mobile and can't see tickers.)
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  • The regular Liteway is one of my favorite umbrellas. I like the idea of the Liteway Plus though. IMHO any time you can do a quick trip (in and out of the grocery store, etc.) without waking baby is worth it. I used our travel system a lot for those kinds of things when my son was a newborn. If I woke him up, even just to put him in the carrier, he tended to not go back to sleep and a lot of the time would get fussy. So if you're looking for something you can use as a travel sys, the Liteway Plus is worth looking in to, especially if you have a smallish car/are short on space. 

    The Bob is great but incredibly bulky - mine barely fits in the trunk of my Civic and is really heavy to lug around. It lives in my garage and only goes out when I'm walking/jogging with my son or if we go somewhere outdoors like a festival or other event. 

    HTH, good luck!
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