Nurseries and Baby Gear


I've found out we're having a boy but I still want to go with a neutral animal theme. Just a couple of questions for those of you who have already done their decorating. :)
We're not allowed to paint (we rent) but I was planning on getting some wall decals, and maybe one of those ceiling nets full of stuffed animals. Any other suggestions on how to decorate a room that has to stay plain white walls?
I really love the elephants, tigers, 'jungle' animals, but I also really love owls, deer, 'forest animals', do you think mix and matching these would look silly or would it still be cute? 
Lastly, where are you guys getting your stuff? :) I've been checking amazon and etsy but the cutest things always seem to be just out of my price range.
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Re: Decorating?

  • I wouldn't mix the themes just do one or the other. I chose woodland animals for my sons room . I used the Carter's forest friends crib set and love it ! Amazing quality . I do believe its been discontinued though. I was allowed to paint so I painted trees and animals on his walls but since you can't do that I would suggest either getting some wall decals then putting up shelves and adding some books and animals ( I do not like the stuffed animal nets they look tacky to me) or picking up different sizes and types of frames either from the store or places like goodwill or garage sales then spray painting them with accent colors you find on your crib set . After that I would fill the frames with black and white photos of you and you hubby and some cute scrapbook paper or letters from the alphabet . If you need more inspiration I'd go to then go to there rate my space page and look at nursaries from regular people from acrossed the country . Good luck !
  • I wouldn't mix themes either. I think the forest animals would be adorable. Jungle themes are kind of overdone. You can always check eBay for decor or use coupons in stores.
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  • hmp1hmp1 member
    My nursery has white walls. I did bright color accents and a woodland theme.

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    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

  • We got ours from buy buy baby and the tree from babies r us both under $40
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