Nurseries and Baby Gear

Recs on reversible-facing, all-purpose stroller


I am looking for a reversible-facing, durable, and lightweight stroller that will take my son from 5 months through the toddler years.

Reversible-facing is the most important criteria because I want to look at him while I am pushing him, but want to have the option to have him forward-facing especially once he gets a little older.

I am looking for vesatility - manuvers well on uneven sidewalks, gravel/dirt occasionally, and in tight doorways in the urban jungle, but also easy to throw in the car, bring on public transportation, etc.  My hubby and I play hard, so we want something that is durable for our adventures. We do NOT want a jogging stroller though - we already have one of those. This would be the primary stroller in addition to the jogging stroller.

The models we are considering:

1. City mini VERSA

2. Bumbleride Flyer - first choice so far as it is lightweight too!

3. Uppababy Cruz

4. Musty EVO

5. Mia moda atmosfera

I would like to pay <$500.

I would be so grateful for any advice / recommendations.




Re: Recs on reversible-facing, all-purpose stroller

  • Versa for sure. It's the only one of those that can fold parent facing and if you want to use it parent facing primarily, I would get one that has that option.  It's annoying to have to flip the seat to fold the stroller.  

    The Flyer is being discontinued and it's just not that great.  The Versa is a much nicer quality.  Have you seen the Flyer in person?  It's really big. 
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  • We love our Cruz.  We are able to fold it facing forward and it is such an easy open and close.  Super light weight and easy to push.  It has a great basket too. 
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  • I second the Versa. It pushes so nicely, easy to fold, and easy to reverse the seat. If you have a Bye Bye Baby near you they have a great display of many of these strollers so you could try them out in person, if you haven't already,
  • Cruz off your list. I've tried so hard to see a Mutsy in person, they look good on paper, but there isn't a store within 1200 miles or more that carries it. Can I also suggest the Mamas and Papas Sola. I have a Phil & Ted's Smart, and like it - it was down to that and the Sola. I really wish I'd stuck with the Sola though, more reclines, there is less weight restrictions on the parent facing mode (you need the adaptors to recline more and change direction, and my dd would have been too heavy too soon), adjustable footrest, fits taller kids longer, and one of the biggest reasons is the handle goes all the way across and is height adjustable. A must for me.
  • I have mad love for the UB Cruz; I had the Vista and got a fantastic deal on the Cruz a few months later and thought it was fabulous.  Pushes like a dream, narrow enough that the wheels never get caught on doorframes, not too heavy, easy to fold.  I have the BJCS now because of the twins, but I miss the Cruz.  

    If you want something that folds easily with the seat facing either direction, you might want to check out the Bugaboo Bee as well - it's higher than your price point, but you never know what'll pop up on Craigslist or something.

    Grant - 6/2/11
    Glenn and Caroline - 6/19/13

  • Versa for sure.  It folds flat with the seat attached.
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    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
  • Have you seen the peg perego book stroller? I think it fits most of your criteria. I haven't seen it in person, but it looks nice and it can roll while folded.
  • cast920 said:
    Have you seen the peg perego book stroller? I think it fits most of your criteria. I haven't seen it in person, but it looks nice and it can roll while folded.
    Yea I like this one too but you need the Book Plus to have the reversible seat.  
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  • The Flyer has some pretty bad reviews out there, so I would take that one off your list.  Bumbleride is supposed to be putting out a newer, better version of it this year called the Era, but no release date as of yet.  Baby Joggers do tend to have a nice push.  I would add to your list a couple others- Valco Spark and Mountain Buggy Cosmopolitan.  Both are able to be pushed one handed- very smooth ride.  Also both companies have great customer service.  I haven't had my Valco ( I have a zee, not spark) long enough to comment on durability, but it seems very well made.  The Mountain Buggy is made to last.  I would recommend checking out baby gizmo for video reviews for any strollers you are looking at- they give you a pretty good idea of the features.  Being in a big city, I would really check out  the width and length measurements of your final "candidates" because a couple inches can make a big difference.
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