
Adoption/Fostering Check-In ~ August 20, 2013

Another week is gone and here we are again! 

Lately we have had a lot of people come out of lurking and we want to welcome you! Please feel free to answer the questions below so we can get to know you a bit more! 

1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 

2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? 

3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 

4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?

5) Overall, how are you feeling? 

6) What is your favorite summer activity? 

7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? 

Began the Adoption process 4/2013
Home study Approved 12/2013
.... and the wait begins! 

Re: Adoption/Fostering Check-In ~ August 20, 2013

  • 1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process?

    Domestic Infant Adoption. Baby placed 7/29/13. Currently in the final week of our 30 day wait.

    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world?

    We had a photo shoot with the baby's birth parent and her bf. on Sunday.
    We've spent a lot of time with my family.

    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week?

    I hate HATE the 30 day wait. Even though I feel pretty ok about our situation it just feels unnecessarily cruel to the adoptive family, though I understand and respect if for birth parent rights.  It would be one thing if the baby was in cradle care during that time, but to have a child in your home and know that you could lose it--- sucks.  Also, we have an unknown birth father which our agency presented as "not a big deal"  but the more I research about this, the more concerned I'm getting.

    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?

    Yoga. Yoga helps.

    5) Overall, how are you feeling?  Good- happy-ish.

    6) What is your favorite summer activity?  Swimming/beach/pool

    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching?
    Being on maternity leave instead of going back to school!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Hi all... I haven't posted in several weeks, I've been a bit busy (see below!) It's exciting to see lots of new names since I was last here... hopefully some of you will remember me. 
     1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 
    Domestic Infant. Baby placed 8/10/13!!!!!!!!! Currently hanging out in baby's birth state waiting for ICPC clearance. DH, baby, and I are taking this time to get to know each other and spend as much time focusing on baby as possible before we go home and have to go back to work and the real world.
    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? 
    This has been a huge couple weeks for us with lots of yay moments. Baby born, placed with us, and finally discharged from the hospital after a couple medical scares. Baby's doing great now, so YAY!
    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 
    I've been away from home for almost a month now... I am SO READY to get home and settle into a routine. Come on, ICPC, hurry up.
    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?
    Like maryoosa, I say: yoga helps for sure. Also being open with my partner about the crazy emotions that go along with this process has helped us both. When I'm feeling especially out of sorts, it normalizes things for me to realize he is often feeling the same way.
    5) Overall, how are you feeling? 
    Totally in love with this little guy.
    6) What is your favorite summer activity? 
    Farmers markets, outdoor concerts.
    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? 
    Going to fall festivals as a family of three for the first time.
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  • Hi, beautiful ladies! :)
    1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 
    International adoption from Uganda...officially waiting!
    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? "yay" moments in the past week or two!  We were put on the waiting list and received our waitlist number three weeks ago, so now we are just waiting!
    A "yay" moment from outside the adoption world?  Lots of exciting things happening in my life and my business!
    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 
    Nope, ma'am!
    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?
    My faith in God helps me through everything!  My family and friends are a huge support, too.  Every day is a journey and I try to savor and live in each moment--even the tough, waiting seasons.
    5) Overall, how are you feeling? 
    Really great!
    6) What is your favorite summer activity? 
    There are always lots of exciting things happening at my studio over the summer, and I love that we can take a more relaxed approach to dance in the summer.  I love to jog and swim outside, my husband and I like to hike, and I love to read outside while I eat lunch some days.
    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? 
    Hoodie season! :)
    I'm a dance studio owner, writer, cat mommy, and adventuress who is married to the man of her dreams. My husband and I have had a long-time dream to adopt and it's happening in a way that we didn't quite anticipate. But, like any move of God, it's turning out way better than we expected. We'd love for you to follow our story at!
  • 1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 
    IA from China; first home study visit on Thursday!

    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front?
    Our big fundraiser over the weekend raised $1,800 for our adoption! I'll post a link to the blog post when I find the time to do it. :)

    Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? 
    DH & I just launched two new client websites and our new business site! Woot!

    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 
    Nope! Feeling tired from the craziness of the weekend, but excited to be moving forward with our home study!

    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?
    Prayer and family support. Also, cupcakes.

    5) Overall, how are you feeling? 
    At the moment? Hungry for cupcakes.

    6) What is your favorite summer activity? 

    Drawing with chalk on the driveway with my daughter! We spend hours out there nearly every day. She's quite the little artist! Right now, our whole driveway is a giant set of train tracks.

    Today, I put together our smallest camping tent, and DD and I just laid in there, looking at the clouds. I love that she's starting to be able to tell me what she's thinking. Today, she told me that the clouds are 'way up high' and that she wondering if it was going to rain and 'wash way all dah chalk choo choo.' Then she sat up and said, "All done in tent, momma. Choo choo Thomas time." LOVE.

    Can't wait until there's another little kiddo telling me adorable and silly stuff!

    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching?
    I have a big craft show at the end of September, so I'm looking forward to being done with that. The lead-up is always stressful. Also, I'm going camping (well, 'cabin-ing' haha) with my whole family, likely including my sister's two new foster sons, in October, and I am SO excited about that. I love being outside and away from my computer; it happens so infrequently that it's a complete relief to not have any screens that need my attention!

    Our Adoption Blog & Fundraising Efforts

    Heading to China in November 2014 to bring our son home!

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  • @marshmallowevening TPR was signed on 8/29/13. However, there is a 30-day revocation period in my state for the birth parent. We also have an unknown birth father, so I'm also hoping that doesn't cause complications.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process?  Domestic Infant Adoption through a local agency.  We are halfway through our Homestudy.

    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? I finished and ordered our Profile Book last night - YAY!  I got my season tickets for LSU football last week - YAY!

    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? None, just excited to keep things moving along.

    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?  My family is so supportive, and I know they care so much, that plus talking to my husband helps. 

    5) Overall, how are you feeling? I'm feeling positive, but not too hopeful yet, we are still early in the process and I know it could be a long wait. 

    6) What is your favorite summer activity? Swimming

    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? Football season! Geaux Tigers and Who Dat!
    Geaux Tigers!
    Me (35) DH (34) TTC #1 since 09/2009
    Dx: Unexplained IF 

    12/10 Clomid + IUI #1 - BFN; 2/11 Clomid + IUI #2 - BFN; 5/11 Clomid + IUI #3 - BFN; 8/11 Injectables + TI - BFN; 10/11 Injectables + IUI - BFN; 11/12 IVF - BFN; 08/13 Pursuing Domestic Infant Adoption02/16/14 Baby girl is home!!
  • 1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 
    DIA - currently waiting for match
    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? 
    "Yay" adoption moment...homestudy approved on Monday!!
    "Yay" other moment...have been running lately, able to go 2.5 miles without feeling like I'm going to die :)
    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 
    No, it's been a great week so far!
    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?
    My DH and my friends!
    5) Overall, how are you feeling? 
    Feeling great this week, happy to be done with the homestudy process.  I know the waiting period will be tough, but excited to be here! :)
    6) What is your favorite summer activity? 
    Our anniversary is in July and our tradition is to visit a new state every anniversary (when we hit 50 we will have celebrated in all the states)!  I love our trips!
    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? 

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  • 1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process?

    Adoption from Foster Care/State.  We just completed Class Number 6 in our PRIDE training.  3 more weeks left and we are done!  Very excited to get over this and into the home study.

    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world?

    Just YAY for finishing another class.  Also enjoying reading Instant Mom.  Outside of adoption I got to get to the beach last weekend and relax.  That was nice!

    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week?

    The waiting is hard.  I feel like the process takes a long time even though I know it is normal I am anxious.

    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?

    For me reading, meditation, spending time at the beach and just enjoying life.

    5) Overall, how are you feeling?

    Really good!  Excited, anxious, nervous. 

    6) What is your favorite summer activity?

    Beach and Pool

    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching?

    I live in Miami so I still like the beach and pool.  We don't get much cool weather.  I am looking forward to Halloween and the holidays. 
    Live like there is no tomorrow..Love like you have never been hurt...
    1) What type of adoption/fostering are you currently doing? Where are you in the process? 
    Foster-to-adopt in Arizona - baby/infant under 1
    2) What is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two on the adoption/fostering front? Also, what is a "YAY" moment from the last week or two outside of the adoption/fostering world? 
    In adoption - "officially" starting the process, choosing our agency and starting the paperwork!
    Outside of adoption - Booking tickets to Houston for my cousin's wedding! So excited to see family and have a mini-vacation at the same time :-)
    3) Do you have any concerns/frustrations this week? 
    Just dealing with discouraging people who learn we are adopting and feel the need to share their horror stories and negativity. Meh....
    4) What is something that helps you through the whole process? If you have completed the process, looking back what got you through all the crazy, long times?
    DH :-) After we put DS to bed, we set aside time to talk, work on our application and have deep conversations. It helps to always be reminded that I'm not going through this alone, we're a team and when one of us feels weak, the other is strong.
    5) Overall, how are you feeling? 
    Great, excited and ready to go!
    6) What is your favorite summer activity? 
    Definitely traveling, the pool and family time!
    7) What are you looking forward to the most with September approaching? 
    Starting our ten-week training and home study (hopefully). Taking a week off to go see my parents!
    Thanks for being so welcoming to the board, ladies! I intro-ed last week and I am so touched by the support that I have seen and experienced.

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