My daughter is almost 5 months old. We currently have the Britax B Agile stroller. We bought the travel system before LO was born. There are a lot of things I love about the travel system, but now that I've already upgraded her car seat, I feel like the stroller is bulky when just doing daily errands. Is there a good and inexpensive lightweight stroller that can be used with a 5-month-old and beyond?
Re: Lightweight stroller recs
I also looked at the Maclaren strollers and the Aprica Presto.
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12
I'm actually looking into a B-Agile for travel and as a lightweight option for DS. (will also be taking the G-luxe for DD) Curious what is bulky about it??
We currently have a G-luxe and it is a great umbrella stroller but wouldn't want it to be my everyday stroller. Also have an UBVista, a BOB single and an Bumbleride Indie Twin. Strollers are taking over my garage!
DD's Food Allergies: Peanuts and Rice, Outgrown Dairy!
8/09 Dx PCOS & Hashimoto's
BFP #2 12/13/11. Missed M/C at 11w5d, measured 8w6d. D&C 2/1/12
Never in my arms, but always in my heart.