Nurseries and Baby Gear

Lightweight stroller recs

My daughter is almost 5 months old. We currently have the Britax B Agile stroller. We bought the travel system before LO was born. There are a lot of things I love about the travel system, but now that I've already upgraded her car seat, I feel like the stroller is bulky when just doing daily errands. Is there a good and inexpensive lightweight stroller that can be used with a 5-month-old and beyond?
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Re: Lightweight stroller recs

  • FmrAFBratFmrAFBrat member
    edited August 2013
    I like my Uppababy G-Luxe. It is amazing. Great recline, easy fold, and great UV sunshade. The seat is soft too.

    I also looked at the Maclaren strollers and the Aprica Presto.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • FmrAFBratFmrAFBrat member
    edited August 2013
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
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  • FmrAFBratFmrAFBrat member
    edited August 2013
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • FmrAFBratFmrAFBrat member
    edited August 2013
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • How do you DD? My phone sucks.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • The B-Agile is pretty lightweight.  I don't see how it is bulky.  Can you explain?
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    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
  • We started researching light weight strollers a few weeks ago.  I am an uppababy fan- love my cruz and so we spent a long time playing with and reading about the g-luxe uppababy.  However, we really fell in love with the MacClaren Quest.  It was expensive- but at BBB you can use the 20% off coupon and it comes down to the same price as the uppababy.  It seems like a really nice ride. 
  • I'm actually looking into a B-Agile for travel and as a lightweight option for DS. (will also be taking the G-luxe for DD)  Curious what is bulky about it??

    We currently have a G-luxe and it is a great umbrella stroller but wouldn't want it to be my everyday stroller.  Also have an UBVista, a BOB single and an Bumbleride Indie Twin.  Strollers are taking over my garage!

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    Never in my arms, but always in my heart.

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  • I find the B-Agile to be long. I've hit things with the front wheel. I'm better about it now that I've gotten used to it. I wanted to see if there was something more compact for everyday errands that's under $100 for an infant. Maybe I have to wait until LO is able to sit up on her own?
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  • When she is six months old you can get first year's ignite umbrella stroller or the jet. Both are around $50.
  • Maclaren is definitely the way to go. Lightweight should be 10 pds or less, and with a lifetime warranty, these badboys are my new best friend. I just received my Globetrotter in Crown Blue and I absolutely love how easy it is to maneouvre, and just how lightweight it is. Also they are hot looking, I can't believe how many moms push ridiculous monstrosities of plastic strollers around without a thought to how crazy they look.

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