Nurseries and Baby Gear

How durable is the pull to fold strollers?

I am having the first grandchild in both DH and my families.  Needless to say, our mothers are extremely excited and sending lots of links to what they think we should have and what they want to buy us.  DH and I are doing research now to be able to have reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with their choices.  We looked at a bunch of strollers at BRU and BBB yest.  It seemed to me that the "Pull to fold" models were not as sturdy/durable as the systems with a button etc., on the handle or frame.  Thoughts? What has been your experience?

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Re: How durable is the pull to fold strollers?

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  • Our Britax B-Agile folds by pushing in a button and then pulling a strap to fold. Our stroller's taken a beating and we've never had a problem with the frame not being sturdy or the fold function not operating.
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