We're doing pretty well. Summer has been going well and we did lots of camping in July before I got too big to do too much.
August started off pretty shitastically. DH crashed his dirt bike when a deer ran out in front of him, and busted his wrist pretty bad. He also separated his shoulder. The wrist break was so bad that it required 2 separate surgeries to try and piece it back together. Our hospital in our town doesn't have an orthopaedic surgeon, so we had to make 2 trips 3 hours away to get it fixed. Meanwhile, I was 38-39 weeks pregnant, hoping I wouldn't go into labor away from home or while DH was out of it from his surgeries and would miss it. We're home now and DH is getting better everyday, but being overdue and dealing with a husband who can't do much for himself and a toddler is exhausting. I'm so ready for this baby to get out, but I'm not really looking forward to looking after yet another person in this house.
DS is doing well. He is saying more and more everyday, which is still so amazing to me. He's started a super whiney phase, but I think that's because things have been so all over the place lately.
Sorry I'm kind of a downer. I hope you other ladies are having a much better end to your summers!
Hi @punkin05! We camped a little this summer, but man is it not as fun with a toddler...
I'm sorry to hear about your DH-- how scary!
Those last few weeks of pregnancy are so exhausting, but you will have a new squish in no time! Make sure to let us know when that new one arrives!
I think most of us are in whiny toddler hell at the moment. This is why I drink. J/k. kinda...
Toddlers can take the fun out if just about anything! I kid, I kid- mostly. DS is really starting to enjoy camping, so hopefully next summer will be great. I will update whenever #2 decides to make his appearance. I could also really use a drink after the last couple weeks. Get out baby! Mommy needs a cocktail.
Re: Doing a drive by
I sure hope you find a job soon. I'm sorry your DH is still ill. FX for some forward momentum, fo sure.
We're doing pretty well. Summer has been going well and we did lots of camping in July before I got too big to do too much.
August started off pretty shitastically. DH crashed his dirt bike when a deer ran out in front of him, and busted his wrist pretty bad. He also separated his shoulder. The wrist break was so bad that it required 2 separate surgeries to try and piece it back together. Our hospital in our town doesn't have an orthopaedic surgeon, so we had to make 2 trips 3 hours away to get it fixed. Meanwhile, I was 38-39 weeks pregnant, hoping I wouldn't go into labor away from home or while DH was out of it from his surgeries and would miss it. We're home now and DH is getting better everyday, but being overdue and dealing with a husband who can't do much for himself and a toddler is exhausting. I'm so ready for this baby to get out, but I'm not really looking forward to looking after yet another person in this house.
DS is doing well. He is saying more and more everyday, which is still so amazing to me. He's started a super whiney phase, but I think that's because things have been so all over the place lately.
Sorry I'm kind of a downer. I hope you other ladies are having a much better end to your summers!