Baby girl is expected in a few months, but I want to begin decorating now. I want to pick out the bedding first and take it from there, but I don't even know where to start- help!
A few questions I have (sorry, I know some of them are overkill, but I wanted to get an idea of what others are thinking)

Where are you purchasing your bedding from?
Is there a specific brand that you have purchased that you feel is decent quality at a reasonable price?
What IS a reasonable price for baby bedding?

(I see some 3 piece sets that are like $300 and more and that is WAY too much in my opinion)
Are you buying a 'set' or just pieces?
What pieces do you feel should be a part of a baby bedding set (e.g., crib skirt? quilt? etc.)
*Bonus points for sharing a pic or link to the bedding you are choosing!

Re: Bedding??? What do you think?
BFP #2 7/18/11 - EDD 3/29/12 - Born 3/13/12
BFP #1 4/4/11 - Natural M/C - 7w1d - 4/30/11