Nurseries and Baby Gear

Bedding??? What do you think?

Baby girl is expected in a few months, but I want to begin decorating now.  I want to pick out the bedding first and take it from there, but I don't even know where to start- help!  
A few questions I have (sorry, I know some of them are overkill, but I wanted to get an idea of what others are thinking) ;)

Where are you purchasing your bedding from?  
Is there a specific brand that you have purchased that you feel is decent quality at a reasonable price?  
What IS a reasonable price for baby bedding?  ;)  (I see some 3 piece sets that are like $300 and more and that is WAY too much in my opinion)
Are you buying a 'set' or just pieces?
What pieces do you feel should be a part of a baby bedding set (e.g., crib skirt? quilt? etc.)
*Bonus points for sharing a pic or link to the bedding you are choosing! :)


Re: Bedding??? What do you think?

  • I didn't buy a bedding set for a couple of reasons: Price, contents, style. We are decorating the nursery in a woodland theme, and everything for little boys seems to have monkeys or something nautical. It quickly became clear that I would either have to pay top dollar for a "set", or find separates that I liked. The price/contents issue work in tandem. The reality is, all baby really needs is a well fitted crib sheet (or 3!). That's it. Absolutely no bumpers (I'll save the tirade). Quilts, while pretty, aren't needed (though if you, like me, do still have some, they can be used to keep you warm while feeding, as a play mat later, etc), and a bed skirt is nice, but obviously baby doesn't care if it's there! Also, for those that include a valance for the window, I say skip it and get yourself some lovely blackout curtains to help with nap time drama that will happen in a few months. So, we bought things individually that matched our colors and theme. When you can buy decent crib sheets (I suggest at least 3, because they WILL get pee/poop/spit up on them, and you WILL end up having to change them in the middle of the night) for $10-$20 each, why spend $300 on a set that has one?! I did get a crib skirt, because I like the look, but even that was only $25. Having been a nanny for years, and having many mom friends, most say that the bedding "set" was the biggest waste of money along with the Diaper Genie type pails that end up stinking anyway.

    Good luck on the nursery decorating! It's a lot of fun :)

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  • mello13 said:

    I didn't buy a bedding set for a couple of reasons: Price, contents, style. We are decorating the nursery in a woodland theme, and everything for little boys seems to have monkeys or something nautical. It quickly became clear that I would either have to pay top dollar for a "set", or find separates that I liked. The price/contents issue work in tandem. The reality is, all baby really needs is a well fitted crib sheet (or 3!). That's it. Absolutely no bumpers (I'll save the tirade). Quilts, while pretty, aren't needed (though if you, like me, do still have some, they can be used to keep you warm while feeding, as a play mat later, etc), and a bed skirt is nice, but obviously baby doesn't care if it's there! Also, for those that include a valance for the window, I say skip it and get yourself some lovely blackout curtains to help with nap time drama that will happen in a few months. So, we bought things individually that matched our colors and theme. When you can buy decent crib sheets (I suggest at least 3, because they WILL get pee/poop/spit up on them, and you WILL end up having to change them in the middle of the night) for $10-$20 each, why spend $300 on a set that has one?! I did get a crib skirt, because I like the look, but even that was only $25. Having been a nanny for years, and having many mom friends, most say that the bedding "set" was the biggest waste of money along with the Diaper Genie type pails that end up stinking anyway.

    Good luck on the nursery decorating! It's a lot of fun :)
    I agree with this. We only bought a couple fitted sheets because the bumper and quilt are worthless and I was too lazy to deal with crib skirts with changing height of the crib mattress. I picked a theme then art then found sheets that coordinated. We have skip hop sheets that are fine, nothing super luxury. I bought a Carter's Sateen crib sheet new in package at a garage sale for daycare. After lots of abuse...many many washes and bleach it still looks fantastic. My niece uses the Carter's velour sheets and they are nice too.
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  • I wouldn't buy a set if you don't plan on using bumpers. And, as PP stated, most sets are always specific things, like butterflies, flowers, etc. I got DS' set on Restoration Hardware because I liked the plain, solid colors. But it was expensive, about $280. Now that he's older, we use the bumpers and he loves snuggling up to them. If we had never used them, it would have been a waste. If you won't, I would just buy some fitted sheets, blankets, and a crib skirt separately. Skip Hop makes Complete Sheets, with decorations on the sides, so you could get away with no skirt.
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  • We did not buy a bedding set.  My aunt made us a quilt for when baby girl is older.  We purchased organic crib sheets and that is about it.  We werent planning on using bumpers and they cant have blankets for awhile so we thought it was a place we could save money.
  • We purchased some bedding pieces, but not a set.  For both nurseries I have started with ordering a custom throw sized quilt that would also work as a large blanket on a toddler bed.  I'm one of those people who always want to be covered up no matter what the season, so this made sense to me.  I got bedskirts made from fabric coordinating with or in the quilt.  In LO on-the-ways nursery I also had custom blackout curtains made to coordinate with quilt and bedskirt.  I bought basic white crib sheets from Buy Buy Baby.
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