Cloth Diapering

GMD Prefolds - should I buy newborn?

I've decided to use GMD prefolds and will be ordering yellow edge soon. DS was born at 7lbs 6oz and I didn't CD him in the newborn stage. Going by weight he would have technically out grown them at about a month old. If you used orange edge how long did your LO use them for. I don't know if it's worth it to just use them for a few weeks.


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Re: GMD Prefolds - should I buy newborn?

  • DD was born at 7lbs 14oz and we used them until she was 9 weeks old.  I know the chart on the GMD website says they fit until about 10 lbs, but she was at least 11.5lbs at that time.  The yellow edge on the chart says they fit until 15lbs or 5 months, but DD is 8.5 months old and over 18lbs and the yellow edge still fit fantastically.  I guess it depends on baby's weight distribution.

    Anyways, I would definitely get the orange edge!
  • I use them as inserts for pocket diapers or doublers and they fit perfectly. They don't need to be obsolete once your LO grows out of them. 
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  • I scored two dozen off Craigslist for 35 bucks. Babe was 8.6 when born and is over 9lb now and it still fits. I plan to use them in my pockets when she's done, it fits perfectly.

    If you don't end up needing them or using them, the resale on them is fantastic.
  • LO was 8.6 at birth and we used them until he was about 6 weeks old and over 11 lbs. I'm sure I'll still get plenty of use out of them with stuffing pockets etc.


  • I loved them. Ginny was 7lbs 6oz and they fit her until about 11 1/2 lbs or so. I'd say they were definitely worth it.

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  • I would invest, because like others have said, you can use the  to stuff pockets later
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  • My to are 10 4 and 10 11. Both of them fit orange great. Granted we started with white edge preeme. I seconds so the size varies but Ill be in them atleast a few more weeks. Also I have one boy lean and the other chunky. They fit both fine.
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  • i only bought yellow edge and my baby was 5lbs 9oz at birth. He started wearing them at 2 days old. The yellow edge fit fine, just needed to be folded down in the front. The extra bulk actually helped the newborn covers fit better. I don't think they are necessary.
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