
Intro and quick question....

Hello!!  I have been lurking for a couple months now and I wanted to introduce my self.  I am 20 weeks with di/di B/G twins.  We were shocked at our 11 week ultrasound but we are so excited!! 

I am also somewhat high risk as I have type 1 diabetes and RA.  The RA doesnt bother me too too much but of course the diabetes means lots of extra monitoring, dr's appts, etc. 

My question is my family and I are scheduled to go to Cedar Point (a larger amusement park) next week.  With my first I would have never been concerened at this point with all the walking but I'm wondering if I should be at all concerned since its twins.  For the most part I feel ok, I'm measuring at 28 weeks and I def feel 28  I dont know if I am being overly cautious or not but I thought I would get other MOMs advice.  Thanks!

Type 1 Diabetic, Hashimotos, RA. Its twins!!!!  EDD 1/6/2014 Di/di b/g twins.

Re: Intro and quick question....

  • Oh jeez. Me personally? I would have rather relaxed at home. Cedar point is a lot of walking, and its hot out! I would ask your doctor.
  • Our family was going to go there this year as well ( I love cedar point :(((( I wanted to ride the rides so badly this year) but we didn't go. not because of the rides but the walking would just be too hard on me personally. I'm only a week ahead of you but the pressure on my cervix wasn't worth it to me. Or my hips.

    Together 6 wonderful years.
    TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
    TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
    ~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
    ~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~
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  • Hi Pittpanther! LOVE your name to start :-) Congrats on your twins and welcome. I went to Kennywood (Im sure youve heard of this since it sounds like we are from the same area) at somewhere around 24-26w and its not nearly as big as Cedar Point. I had a hard time there and needed to sit... a lot. Recently, my husband has taken our kids to Idlewild and I opted to sit it out, just as I will be doing when he takes them to Kennywood again tomorrow. Im 33+4 and I just cant handle the walking. I would definitely ask your doctor what he/she thinks and then go from there. If you do end up going, listen to your body! If it tells you to stop and rest, do so and catch up with everyone after you relax a little.I didnt do this the first time we all went to Kennywood and REALLY paid for it the next day. Horrible cramping and pains...things like that. So please be sure to listen to what your body says and obviously, get enough fluids!!
  • Heck rent a scooter/wheelchair! Go enjoy the time with your family before the new additions arrive! We had an action packed summer planned for the 3 of us (DH, 11 yr old DD, and me!) but I got put on BR after our visit vacation in July. That was just camping and fishing about 7 hours from home. We had plans to visit Valleyfair, a small waterpark close to our home, the state fair, ren fest and a few more vacations and I planned on taking a scooter if my body decided that was too much. I don't get a choice now :(
  • We went on vacation to Disneyland around 20ish weeks. Just rest as much as you can and drink lots of water. Also, talk to your doctor before you go and get the ok from him.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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