It's been awhile since I logged onto this site, and now I am back on after discovering that DH and I are expecting baby #2 in April 2014!
A few months after our daughter was born in October 2011, I had a breast reduction done. Though many people suggested I wait until I was done having kids to get it done, I was approved by my insurance for full coverage and had to take advantage before my policy year was over. My surgeon explained to me that breast feeding in the future isn't guaranteed but not to lose hope on it. I was wondering if there's anyone on here who was able to successfully breast feed after a reduction? It will be almost 2 years post op after the baby is born (assuming I'll have a H&H pregnancy. Fingers crossed). I experience a lot of bumps in the road with breast feeding my daughter to which I ended up supplementing formula a lot. I'm hoping I can give it another shot if my body cooperates with me. TIA!