
XP: Reflux MoMs - Bottles?

One of my twins has reflux and we're currently trying medication to help with the spit-up. Another mom suggested we try switching bottles as well, specifically to Dr. Browns. Do any of you have experience with these and if it helped your issues?

Also, I'm still breastfeeding, but supplementing with formula to provide enough for both twins. Right now, the girls breastfeed for 10-15 min and get a bottle of formula or breastmilk at each feeding. I've just been using the Medela bottles so far. They switch back and forth from breast to bottle great right now and I'm nervous about shaking things up, but I'll try anything to help with the reflux issue! Thoughts?

Re: XP: Reflux MoMs - Bottles?

  • I had a friend whose DD had severe reflux and Dr Browns really helped.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • My girls had extreme reflux and we tried a lot of different bottles and didn't find that any helped significantly (we tried Dr Browns too). We went with Playtex Ventaire in the end. The most helpful thing was to keep the girls upright for some time after their feeds.
    Daisypath imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • My boys had reflux and I also didnt think different bottles made much of a difference. What was IN the bottle did, however. Prevacid + a bit of baby cereal mixed with the formula really helped.
  • Both ours have reflux and we have been using dr brown bottles from the beginning. Honestly, it doesn't make a difference. Like PP said, sitting them upright during feedings and a little after is the best you can do.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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