So I went with the Radian, I like that it had a much higher weight limit- so anyway, while installing it rear facing I used the rear facing base (as the instructions say). And when I install it that way it seems that is sits up pretty straight (compared to his infant seat).
The instruction say that the recline adjustment needs to be completely flat (not used) for rear facing seats, but when I reclined the seat and installed the rear facing base it sat at a much lower angle that looked more comprable to teh angle of his infant seat.
Obviously- I know the instructions clearly say "DON'T USE THE RECLINE IN RF" - it just seams to sit straight up this way! And of course the customer service is closed on Saturday's- I already tried the 800 number...
Re: ebp913 - carseat install advice!
The incline on your vehicle seat will affect the final recline of the carseat. A rolled up towel or pool noodle can help achieve a more reclined angle, but it should not be more than 35 deg I believe. I also recommend you post a pic on forum for more specific installation help or schedule an appt with a certified safety inspector before you attempt to use the seat.