
Twins arrival

My mo/di twin girls arrived via c/s this past Thursday at 33 weeks 4days. I was admitted after my OB visit due to pregnancy induced hypertension, as well as being 2cm and 70% effaced. After running blood work and being on the monitor an hour I dilated to a 3. They tried to stop the contractions with mag drip. It didn't work this time. I was dilating to a 4 and ob said my cervix had become very thin. Off to the OR we went. Baby A is 4lb 11oz and Baby B is 4lb 1oz. We were pleasantly surprised by their weights! B needed a little oxygen via nasal cannula at first, but she took it off and has been doing well. We're praying they continue doing well. I tried to post pics but have been unsuccessful since the new bump came out.

Thank you for all of your help and support throughout my pregnancy!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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