I am 27 weeks with fraternal twin boys.
At my ultrasound Friday morning the boys looked great but my cervix was short. It went from 4 cm to 2 cm in three weeks.
They sent me to get an NST. Which revealed that I was having contractions. I couldn't feel them. They ended my NST and sent me up to L&D where I have been ever since.
I was having contractions every two minutes but luckily they seemed to have slowed down. Though not stopped completely. They gave me medicine to stop them. And a steroid shot for the boys lungs in case they come out early.
Today we recheck my cervical length to see how the contractions effected it. Yesterday, though my cervix was short it was closed.
Does anyone have experience with this? Or can offer words of encouragement? Thank you.
My fraternal twin boys. Born Sept 2013.
Re: 27 weeks in L&D
Will keep you in T&Ps!
As of this morning my contractions stopped and my cervix was at a better length. I am still being monitored at the hospital.
Best if luck to all of you dealing with a shortened cervix. It is so helpful knowing I am not alone. Thank you!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
Good luck!
I am still in the hospital and they are monitoring me each morning. Tomorrow the MFM team is back and going to reevaluate my situation.
As of this morning the heartbeats look good but the contractions are still here. Tomorrow we recheck the cervical length. Hoping I can move this bed rest party to home soon.
Thanks for all the support, personal story sharing, and advice. I really appreciate it.