
36 weeks 1 day!

Woo!! I made it!!

I haven't posted in awhile but I thought I'd share!

The baby girls are looking great, and big- were estimated at 6lbs each at 35 weeks. I know they can be off but we will see.

My cervix is still as long as can be, the OB couldn't even tell if I was dilated because it is so far back. Doesn't look like they are planning on coming anytime soon!

They are both breech. A has been breech for over a month now despite my attempts to get her to turn, so a c-section is scheduled for Sept 3rd. I'll be 38w5d. One of the Dr's said I could attempt a vaginal delivery even though both are breech. I feel uncomfortable with that, even though I am very scared of a C-Section. I don't want to risk anything.

So, that's it! Oh, and I am MISERABLY uncomfortable. Seriously counting down the days now. It's so painful!

Re: 36 weeks 1 day!

  • Congrats on making it so far!  I'm in a funk and feeling like I'll never see 36 weeks with these little gals!  

    Also, I feel you on being scared of a C-section, while knowing that it is the safest option in certain circumstances.  I had a very low-intervention vaginal delivery with DD at a birth center and I have kissed that plan good-bye this time around.  I can say personally there is no way I would try to deliver vaginally if both were breech and my MFM would never allow it.  She said baby A would have to be head down.  

    Sending you peaceful are so close to meeting your twins!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Mo/di baby girls lost at 20w3d due to complications from IUGR 9/2013
    Laproscopic surgery for ruptured ectopic at 7w  2/2014
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