Anyone's betas in the 30000+ range? Mine were 30k on tues and 36k on thurs. they obviously didn't come close to doubling in 48 hours and the dr said that was not what he wanted to see.. But I have read that once they get that high they can slow down... Any ideas? I did have a u/s on Monday and it looked like I was in the 5-6 week range then and I have another u/s scheduled for next wedn.
TTC since 4/2010
Clomid 3/2011 & 4/2011
BFP 5/2011 Natural MC 5/20/11 BFP 7/3/11

BFP 11/9/2012
dx Partial Molar Pregnancy - D&C 12/11/12
HCG 12/10/2012 -96000
HCG 12/19/2012 -888
HCG 12/27/2012 -146
HCG 1/2/2013 -275
HCG 1/9/2013 -788
Dx with gestational trophoblastic disease 1/3/13
Meet with Oncologist for 1/11/2013
Second D&C 1/16
HCG 1/23/2013 - 88
HCG 1/30/2013 - 0 miracle!!!!!
Re: Twins- beta question
I hope everything goes well at your u/s next week.
I agree. It shouldn't be doubling once that high.
At 23dpo for me my beta was only 3791.