Hi, we have g/g twins that are almost 7. They are in seperate classes at school, but one twin is much more dominant than the other. She is always bossing her around. This seems to cause the other to have low self-esteem, trouble making friends, and struggles with making decisions. Does anyone else have this going on with older twins? If so, what have you found to help. Thanks!
Re: Advice on school age g/g twins
In the end, it's best to remind each twin that everyone is good at something. While 1 may be smart in school, the other may be advanced on the soccer field, or do more in college. It's important that they be themselves and march to the beat of their own drums.
My twin and I are total best friends today, and I pray the twins I'm PG with will be equally close. It wasn't always roses, but it worked itself out plenty of times.